Bentonville After School
This had a large impact. I have learned over the week that I have value and so does my sex. Now that I am informed, My choices will be better later in my life.
The impact that Reality Check, Inc. taught me because it taught me to set boundaries and really think about my value and character.
This class was very informational for me. I did learn a lot and it really opened my mind, not only about sex, but everything along with it.
This class truly opened my mind, as to why abstinence is important. I honestly did not see how I could possibly wait until after marriage, but my mind has now seen why it is important.
This class had a HUGE impact on me! It was the most interesting and helpful class I have ever taken!
This class has given me a new outlook on sex, and I don’t see it as something just to do whenever, as many of my classmates do.
The impact this class had on me was… It made me understand what choices I actually have in life and how I can mess it up or do it the right way.
To have more respect for yourself and others.
In this class I learned the importance of saving my sex for my marriage!
Gave me good information and it helps me realize m ore things and importance.
It made me feel more good about how my life is going to turn out.
This class had a huge impact on me because before this week, I didn’t really think about all of the risks that come with sex.
Now I am going to be more careful with who I date.
It opened up my eyes to what really happens if you give away your virginity before marriage. I need to know its special.
A lot of impact. This makes me think of my sex differently.
This has made me want to be abstinent till marriage.
This class made me realize how serious the world is out there. It opened up my mind, and I thank you.
This class taught me about how important my sex was. I also learned a lot about the dangers. Thanks!
I learned a lot about STD’s, and the dangers of sex. I learned to be abstinent.
Helped me set a boundary for my sex and helped me understand what sex truly is and what it means to me.
This class had a huge impact.