Bentonville High School
This class has impacted me to realize that I was headed back to where I was last year: smoking, having sex for no reason, drinking. I just want to say thank you for helping me realize I need to stop.
Helped me realize how unhealthy my past relationships were. No more drinking.
I need to stop my addiction to porn.
This class has changed the way I think about everything. I have stopped making some decisions I had before.
It helped me think about how to put myself first and to focus on the future rather than the past.
It made me realize some of the decisions I’ve made haven’t been good and to change them and stop making those decisions.
Very positive; it helped me realize some things that I need to change.
Over the past week, this class has shown me how much potential I have, and that I should never just throw it away for anyone or anything. Thank you so much!
It made me realize that you can’t just share your body with just anyone. I wish I had this lesson earlier. Everyone has worth even though you might not feel like you do.
It showed me that feeling certain ways is okay.
It’s given me a new perspective on how I can help others and proven my point that sex is something to save.
This class has really helped me realize so much, like I had no idea! This is gonna stay with me for the rest of my life and this has changed my future with my boyfriend, smoking, drinking….Thank you!
This is really an important class, especially for kids in our age group. It really is a great lesson. It helps some make better, more mature decisions. Thank you for an amazing lecture. You were able to connect with all of us on some personal level.
I’ve learned that I don’t need to display myself of my body to others to make them happy and I need to focus on getting myself better. Thank you. You have helped me a lot!!
This class helped me by realizing how serious having relationships is like and it’s help me find how I should better myself with people I hang around with as well as myself.
Reality Check impacted me by showing me how the past does not have to affect your future and how if someone is doing certain things they don’t belong in your life.
The importance of protecting things that are private or sacred to you.
Reality Check made me realize it’s important to protect my peace and be attentive to those I keep close.
Helped me learn boundaries can still be fun!
During this lesson I realized I’m much more complex than I thought I was. A few months ago I was in a relationship with a guy who treated me pretty poorly. Now I realize I didn’t stay with him out of love, but out of infatuation and desperation. Thank you for what you do.
This class has impacted me by making me think about the relationship I have and if I really like them or not. It has made me realize that social media really does have an effect on my brain. It has also made me want to care about myself more rather than making other people’s opinions control me.
This impacted me because it helps me realize that I can wait and think about my choices.
The information I learned in this class helped me a lot! I can now better understand my body as well as reassure my beliefs on what I want for myself and my future. I feel like I walked out of this class with a lot better understanding of life in general. Thank you Mr. Pratt! 😊
This class has really opened my eyes to all of the activities that go on in my life and around me. I am really gonna start living and learning for myself instead of trying to make others happy. This class has impacted me in a very positive way.
This class has helped me realize that some of my friendships are not the healthiest, and that I have been holding on in fear of hurting her feelings instead of taking into account that mine matter too.
It has encouraged me to make healthy choices for myself that will make the rest of my life easier. Choices like who I choose to be around and what I choose to give my time to.
It has actually impacted me a lot with the relationship information. My mom has been in two abusive relationships and it has affected me a lot. When I was younger, my uncle gave me a lot of alcohol. All that skewed me to being depressed. But now I think I might change with this information. Thank you.
It reminded me that future me is relying on me to do my best so that she can be the most happy and successful version of herself, for both her and the important people around her.
I shared with my mom some of these things and learned a lot about her. I think now I want write my story differently and start growing my life better.
It’s hard living in a school where it seems most people don’t value their emotions or bodies. I always felt like the odd one out. This has taught me that I shouldn’t feel like the odd one out because my decision is good for me.
This class has impacted me great! This class taught me how accept my feelings more. It taught me and showed me what can happen in life. This class taught me that I’m not the only one going through things and to choose better choices.
This class has impacted me by bringing me to the conclusion that suppressing my feelings leads me to not caring. I realized I need to acknowledge my emotional needs.