Central Junior High
It has helped me realize what I have done in my life and the things I shouldn’t have done. And now I’m going to try to change things and fix them.
It has impacted me by learning to be safe and think before you make a decision. Any decision can become a blindfold.
It impacted me to show how serious you have to take sex. It showed me it’s not too late to turn my life around. I can change my mind. Thank you.
This lesson gave me new ways and new choices I can think of in the future for decisions I will come across.
This will help me with my relationship.
This class has given me a better understanding of my body, mind, and relationships and how my decisions impact mind and others lives.
To make great choices and bring people into your circle (life) that will help make your future good.
This class has impacted my life because it helps me and others make the choices to protect my body, mind, and spirit. This will help me throughout my whole life to be a better person with my choices and my mental behavior.
This class has helped me learn how to protect myself and others. It has also helped me know how to let go and look at what’s in front of me, because most of the time I’m stuck in my head.
To realize that I need to not risk or ruin anything in my life for people that shouldn’t have that much impact in my life.
This lesson impacted not only my perspective on certain things but the way I will carry myself in the future. I also learned the explanation behind the feelings I felt and can learn from them now.
It taught me that I have worth and that I am important. And that I have choices that only I can choose for my future.
It really opened my eyes. I feel like everything I’ve known now is uplifting, all this knowledge I’ve been holding. I’ve struggled with my childhood. Now this is like weights are coming OFF my shoulders. Thank you.
It helped me learn that I was valuable and I am significant it taught me I deserve love.
I learned that we should always think twice before we make decisions, and that things we do, watch can affect our health.
Learned all about sex life and how it can ruin a life. I can now make better decisions in my life and spread it to others.
This lesson has taught me to create boundaries with my girlfriend and to also take precaution even though we may be together still.
This class make me understand what we can do or what we have to do, and let a lot of things go and is not hurt.
It has helped me because everyone has a choice, and a choice can change everything.
The discussions we’ve had for the past few days helped me be able to apply those things to my personal experiences.
This class has taught me what I believe is best for me. It has helped me and prepared me for when opportunities come and what to do/say in situations.
It has helped me know more and understand more and to think about my actions and what I do and that it does matter. And to think about others more too.
This class has helped me gain a deeper understanding of the idea that things we do now in our life have a great influence on our future lives.
This class has helped me learn that I shouldn’t let people in my circle so easily. I need to make sure that I surround myself with people I trust.
This class made a good impact. It’s educated me and made me feel more hopeful.