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Bentonville West HS


  • This week has really impacted my life because it’s helped me understand what I need to be doing/not doing to get where I want to be.  I have lots of toxic/fake friends, but have had trouble “getting rid of them” because I don’t want to be alone.  Now I see that they’re stopping me from being everything I can be and I should get more friends that will build me.  And even if I have to be alone for a while, it’s better than being held down by others.

  • This week has made me realize stuff that I didn’t know was so serious.  I feel good that someone talked about this stuff.  I feel better and I feel like the things you talked about is going to change me.  Thank you so much for your time.

  • This class has shown me ways to cope with my past.

  • I have learned so much and it has truly inspired me.  I am very against drugs and alcohol and will never try it.  And even though I have a boyfriend which I know will be with me forever, we are both waiting till marriage.  Thank you so much for coming!

  • It’s taught me to be more self aware and how things affect me on more than just the surface level.

  • Now I know that I can change my life and not base it on my past.

  • This has helped me recognize that some things are not worth prioritizing because I have the rest of my life to do so (sex, having a boyfriend, etc.).

  • This week helped me understand the importance of living in the present.  Thank you for making me feel valued and seen.  Please return.

  • The lessons gave me a whole new perspective of sex.  I had thought there really couldn’t be much to it, but learning about our feelings and everything was a really good class.

  • I think I’ve actually learned something that’s useful.  You might just be more insightful than my therapist.  Thank you!

  • This class has taught me that feelings come in all different ways.  It is okay to feel them.  It showed me how much the little things matter to you and others.  But compromising yourself for someone else is not okay.

  • I listen to music that promotes heavy drug use.  This helped me make a decision to quit.

  • I want to thank you for taking the time to educate us on important matters that will certainly benefit us in the future.  You taught lessons about emotional maturity that create positive paths in our futures.  I am thankful.

  • This has impacted me in the ways I make choices and how I think about myself.  Some of the choices I have made in my life have been horrible for my confidence and self-esteem.  But thanks to this class, I can make smart choices that will have a positive effect on my life.

  • This week made me realize that my emotions matter.  😊

  • I have learned so much.  I grew up in a Christian family that told me it was good to wait to have sex, but I didn’t know the reasons why, especially psychologically.  My dad struggled with porn addiction, but got past it.  He is now more present in my life.  I am glad I have learned more about this topic so that I am less likely to repeat what he went through. 

  • This past week has shown me the importance of my health and decisions.  It has shown me how my brain is affected and I think it has truly bettered my mindset.

  • This class has impacted me in many ways.  I think this is valuable information for the future and will help me with my choices throughout life.

  • This class has impacted me by teaching me about myself and how to be more responsible with decisions I make.

  • This class really changed me.  I got good tips that I will do and consider.

  • This class has helped me a lot.  I know people who have done drugs, drank alcohol, and have done sexual things for a while.  I also had thought about doing those things, but haven’t because I wanted to be healthy.  But learning more about the consequences and risks has helped me stay on that path and where I feel more comfortable.

  • This experience has changed my perspective of some points in life like maturity, self-control, and decision making.  It has gotten me to slow down and think about things in my life, and taught me to take a step back.  I’ve learned a lot, and I feel better than I did before.

  • This class has made me think more about my decisions I make and how that can affect me.  As well as different sexual activities and the way it affects me more than just physically.

  • This experience has opened my eyes to several matters I was not familiar with.  I struggle with several things and this class has showed me the severity of what can happen if these things continue and become worse.

  • Made me rethink things and understand why I should think things over.

  • This class has really opened my eyes about decisions that I can make and it’s really enlightened me to avoid certain things in order to live a better life.

  • This has impacted my life a lot.  I will think about my actions.  I will not use drugs or alcohol at all.



  • I learned a lot of valuable information and I feel like I can know make mature and educated decisions.

  • It made me think about how my actions might affect my future.

  • Just knowing that other people go through the same thinking as me and I don’t feel so alone.

  • The impact the Reality Check program had on me was that it helped open my mind to more things and be aware of other things too. I have loved how much I have learned about the reproductive system, and about like things on your body that are transmitted and non-transmitted. This program has led me to knowing more about my surroundings and more about things that I didn´t know existed.

  • It made me think on certain things around us especially who I let into my circle.

  • It made me open my eyes on things that can happen to you and the world if you do things you’re not supposed to.

  • To really think before I decided to say text that may be hurtful, or send something that I may regret.

  • This made me realize that there is actually a lot more things and consequences in certain things and even though you might not realize that they can affect your life dramatically.

  • It changed my point of view on things.

  • It helped me think about how I might be affecting people and how to look for signs and how to act if something were to be brought to your attention.

  • The reality check changed how I see some actions and the consequences of the actions in the present.

  • To make sure that I make good decisions during high school so that it will affect me positively in the future, and help prepare me.

  • It made me relate to a lot of stuff.



  • I’ve been going through something I thought I would never go through and I feel like you helped.  Thank you.

  • This has impacted me by giving amazing, heart-felt advice that I really needed to hear so I can spread it to some people who are struggling bad in my life.

  • It made me realize a lot of critical things and how I shouldn’t be fixed on one emotion.  It made me realize that there’s more to life and my future than I realize.

  • This class has an impact because I got to learn more about myself.  I got to really open my eyes and see the bigger picture of my choices and our ripple we cause.

  • It gave me clarity on the relationships I’ve had with others and how much they affected me.  It reminded me that I made the right choices to choose me.

  • I have learned the difference between love and infatuation so now I can use that before I get into a relationship so that I don’t get hurt.

  • It has helped me think about my life, not always the easiest journey, and what I can do to change.

  • The impact is too much to explain.  It taught me how to make choices and be able to say, “no”.  Even though I’m so affected by peer pressure, this one lesson has taught me that your choices are yours.  I learned that people can be hurt and you always have to be kind!

  • This class has made me and hopefully everyone else think twice about their decisions and who you can trust.  What steps you can take and as well as ways to keep yourself overall very healthy relationship wise.

  • It’s taught me about relationships and how recognize bad ones.  And what to do with them.  It’s taught me who to be close to and how to get close to other people.  Also, sex.  I didn’t know any of that before Wednesday.

  • It was really powerful for me to hear about the life ahead of me and that really changed my perspective on the decisions I make every day.  It also made me feel like the little things I stress out about aren’t as important as I thought.

  • This class has impacted me by teaching me more on subjects I almost assumed could never happen to me because I just didn’t want to think about it.

  • Shown me some of the major outcomes of sex and shown that I need to spread the word to others.

  • It has made life more open for doing the right thing.  What I mean is you coming here helping us has made me choose the best path for me.

  • I know I am going to be a heck of a lot more careful with how my choices may impact me or other people. I feel like I now have more of an understanding of how to make good choices.

  • This week has had an impact on me because it helped me realize things that have been a bit cloudy lately. It made me reconsider how I thought about some things. It really put it into perspective.

  • This week has been an interesting process and will help me with my decisions throughout the years.

  • I feel more informed on the steps I need to take to become who I want to be.

  • I have been informed on some health related things and it will help me influence my future decisions.

  • This week has made me think a lot about choices I have made, need to make, and future choices that will be available. This will benefit me a lot.

  • It has helped me think more carefully about sex.

  • This week has made me think deeper about important decisions.

  • This week impacted me by making me realize how big of an effect small decisions can make on my life.

  • This week has informed me that the things I have always worried about are natural and normal. 

  • The three days of this class have helped me understand more about myself and why I think and act the way I do.

  • I know way more about why things happen and why you should always take all of the safety precautions so you don't make dumb decisions that may affect your future in a negative way.

  • I have been educated bout sex in a meaningful way that's never been told to me before. I'm glad I learned about how our bodies operate when it comes to reproductive organs. Overall I feel better informed about myself.

  • I am going to try to think more before I do.

  • This week has pushed me to become a better person and strive for my goals.

  • This week allowed me to have a better understanding of what I do and who I surround myself with and how it changes me.

  • This week has taught me to be cautious with who I bring into my circle.



  • I want to start by saying thank you. I have done this before, but nobody explained it like you.  I realized so much about myself that I have never even thought of.  You opened my eyes to so much that I’ve needed.  And I thank you.

  • I learned things I don’t think anybody else would’ve taken the time to tell me.  Thank you.

  • This week has opened my eyes about everything I have been doing wrong, everything that has slowed me down.  It has made me realize that I need to make better decisions and better myself for the safety of my future.

  • I’ve learned a lot about stuff I maybe didn’t know or that I didn’t know much about.  It’ll definitely make me think harder about choosing relationships in the future.

  • I kind of interacted with people in a positive manner, which hasn’t happened in years.  Feels good.

  • It had me thinking about doing the right thing now to make sure my future is how I want it.  Like when it comes to relationships and future.

  • It made me think about my circle of friends, who I trust and who I don’t.  I’ve changed some of the people I trust.

  • The 3 days that you have been here have been the best.  I have learned a lot.  This impacted my life to the point where I already know what I want to do.  Thanks for coming here with us.

  • This class over the past three days has changed how I see life.  It’s made me realize that there is a lot more than what I could’ve ever thought of.

  • The things I have learned are really important to me and seems like one of the best educational things I’ve done in a while.

  • This class taught me that my choices matter. The choices I make now can affect others and myself. The things I do and don't do at this age can change my life. So it's important to think before I act.

  • This showed me to careful and it taught me to not be pressured by friends. Because if they were really friends they would except my choice.

  • I really liked how you pressed on the fact that we do matter, since not a lot of adults look at us that way. My favorite part of this experience is where you said to be true to your values and not really listen to others who make fun of them.

  • This class has taught me about decisions and how they can affect me. It has impacted me by showing me what is good and bad and how to realize the difference.

  • I learned the importance and effects of some possibly rash decisions and that everything matters no matter how small.

  • This class was a great reminder of how much I'm worth and how the choices I make now are important. I got a lot of good info that I haven't known until now.

  • This class really had an impact for me when we talked about love and infatuation. I understand it and now know the difference.

  • In this class, I learned so much about my future and body. I feel more aware of the dangers of making certain choices that could influence my future.

  • This made me think about the long term consequences of short term fun.

  • I'm really glad this class was taught because I learned a lot and it benefited me and my future.

  • The impact this class had for me is that it taught me there are effects to the choices I make and it can affect my life later on.

  • This gave me information that other classes don't tell you. It shows how your life can change by your choices.

  • It made me reevaluate some of the decisions I've been making as of recent. Thank you for taking the time to come speak and inform us.

  • It helped me put in to perspective that actions I'm doing now will effect me in the future.

  • The impact this had for me was to realize how important I am when it comes to relationships and that it is ok to say no.

  • After hearing some of these consequences from certain actions, it has changed my thinking on certain topics to help set up a successful future.

  • I have realized I'm much more than how I see myself, I don't need to do everything everyone else is doing to be liked or to fit in. 

  • This class has made me think about my choices. It has made me think that I have a lot ahead of me so I shouldn't make choices that can really affect my future.

  • This has helped me realize why I put up a wall and why I don't want to feel emotion. It has also strengthened my decision to keep my boundaries strong.

  • I realized the consequences of choices I can make and avoid. My friends go out and party a lot, but I don't. But I want to sometimes to "be cool" but that doesn't make me who I am.

  • This class this week has helped open my eyes on situations that can happen as a teen. I definitely will make wise choices now that I have some knowledge about what really happens.

  • This class taught me to always make the decisions I want and that will significantly help me, and not to let anyone make choices for me.

  • Thank you for pointing out different points that I needed to hear. Those points came out super clear. I really enjoyed having you here to speak to us. I really appreciate you and your organization.




  • Before this class, I didn’t have positive motivation like I used to.  I actually became more sexually active and I started to care less about work.  But now that I’ve had this talk and class, I have different views on sex and decision making and the people I hang out with because of the ‘blindfolds’.  Now I’m starting to feel more motivated and better about my future choices.

  • Something that I think happened is that I learned the inside of what we, as human beings, are in reality.  That whether it would be any system inside our body, we are so more complex, so much more stronger, or so much more susceptible to damage.

  • This class has taught me many things that I would’ve had to figure out the hard way.  Now this information will help me in making good decisions.

  • Changed my perspective.   I thought me and some of my friends could do things together but I realize now it is wrong and I won’t do it.

  • There is more waiting for me after high school.  I am important.

  • The impact this teaching had on me was be careful who you hang around.  Being wise on what I do and think before I do it.  I will wait till after I am married.

  • After seeing the brain I’m not going to drink anymore.  I’ll try to stop with nicotine.

  • I was always saving myself for marriage because of religion and didn’t really know a lot of info.  What you taught us this week has made me want to save myself until marriage because I know more information about it.

  • Reality Check made me realize what stupid life decisions I have made in the past but that I could change the way I am now to make both myself and my future better.

  • This class has helped me realize that in today’s world a lot is normalized that shouldn’t be.  And now realizing that I can make better decisions.

  • This class has challenged my beliefs and relationships.  I’ve learned a lot and am a better person coming out of this class.

  • The impact this class has had on me this week is it showed me how much I have already damaged my brain with substances and everything you said about being emotionally unstable made sense to me now.  Last year I stopped caring and started taking opiates and drinking a lot and smoking weed and what you have told us really helps me understand.

  • This class made me aware of the consequences my actions can have on my life and has positively changed me for the better. Thanks so much. You've been awesome and I'll miss you!

  • This impacted me by showing how to think smart. And being wise will lead you in to better things.

  • During this session I learned about STDs and how impactful my decisions are. And how I must value myself.

  • Whenever we talked about the risks of sexual activity it really opened my eyes.

  • It opened my eyes to how making a small decision can affect your life.

  • I think this class helped me realize the dangers of being sexually actively and it has made me want to be more cautious.

  • This class gave me a better understanding of setting boundaries. I usually try to set them and just take them down and let people cross them. Which I have to stop.

  • This was a good reminder to think before you make huge decisions.

  • I learned how my choices affect others.

  • This class impacted me by showing to me and explaining the risks of things like social media, sexual relations, drugs. Etc. Thank you!!

  • It helped me to understand that the decisions I make now and in the future are very good for my health and that I should keep making them.

  • It made me rethink everything and made me want to set my boundaries.

  • These lessons impacted me to be a lot more cautious of things and choices I do. And that setting boundaries is very important.

  • I didn't know a lot about most of what we talked about so it helped me think how I need to set boundaries against certain things and certain people.

  • It showed me that every bad action has a consequence.

  • I took a lot from it. From risks, boundaries, pregnancy. I learned so much on everything. I learned I'm of value and should not do drugs or drink or be sexually active.

  • This class has shown me the risks there are in life if you choose to do the wrong thing.

  • I learned that I still have a lot of time left. Which is a lot of time to make the right choices.

  • This class has impacted me on being safe and reaching goals. I need to start.

  • Thank you for coming to talk to us! It helped me/us have a better understanding of things and think before we do anything. Thank you.

  • Discussing the difference between love and infatuation really made me understand relationships better.

  • What impacted my life is learning to be cautious of what I do. It impacted my life by knowing what I do is worthwhile. I have to do what's right and have priorities and set goals.




  • It showed me that even though I have made bad decisions there is still time to set boundaries and continue with life.  Also how dangerous it can be to be in a physical relationship before emotional.  And that trust takes time.  Some more than others.

  • This class has impacted me in the way I think about life and the relationships I’ll have throughout.  It made me realize the different aspects of how dangerous something could be and how I can ensure a protected future.  Thank you for taking the time to teach us and I really appreciate it.

  • Realizing that the relationship I’m in with my girlfriend is unhealthy.  All she wants is sex and all l want is for her to care for me but she doesn’t.  Sex shouldn’t be the center of a relationship.  Thanks man!!.

  • It taught me a lot about life and what I can do in the next chapter of my life.  I learned a lot from this experience and I hope it can reach more people.  This is a really good class.

  • This class helped me realize that I need to slow down with my relationship, get to know my partner over time.  So then I can learn with them and grow with them.

  • I talked to a friend and got him out of a bad situation.

  • This class has had a major impact on me.  I never realized how bad somethings are.  I feel like as a freshmen most kids start having sex and don’t realize how bad somethings are.  Kids don’t have the knowledge that they need and it’s bad.

  • Just in the past few days with you visiting our class I’ve learned so much.  I wish I could’ve experienced the knowledge you gave us earlier in life, but I have it now and I could not be more thankful.  With your lessons, stories, and examples, everything you have brought to the table has truly made a mark on my life.  Thank you so much, and I hope you continue to educate other students with this information.

  • This class actually made a pretty great impact on me.  It gave me a different understanding, and a better realization of what I need with people, relationships, boundaries, etc.  It made me realize what I had before isn’t what is right for me and I need to leave and set more boundaries for the next time around!  Thank you for the help!

  • I always used to think that I’ve completely messed myself up, because of the many bad things and situations I’ve put myself in my whole high school career, but this week made me realize that I have a lot of life left to live and that I can change.

  • It opened my eyes to the reality of what I’m experiencing at my age.  It helped me to gain confidence to stand up for myself and say no.

  • It has taught me how to “take the blindfolds off”.  In high school we all deal with peer pressure and we fall into bad things, this has taught me to not give in.  Stand up for me.

  • This class showed me to respect my body, my beliefs, and to not let others tell me otherwise.  I have learned different things and how to use it in the future.

  • This class has had a huge positive impact.  I’ve thought about a lot of things and even set a better plan.  It’s been life-changing.

  • I see I can change my story from the past to a greater being and I have a better understanding of life, responsibility, and choices we all can make.  Thank you.

  • I thought my life would always be the same.  I know it was bad by some of the decisions I’ve made and relationships I’ve been in.  This class has shown me I can change.​

  • This class impacted me because it’s helped me realize that you only get one chance at making a good life for yourself. This class has helped me decide that this one life I have, I want to be filled with love and happiness and not with fear and regrets.

  • This class has shown me how to value my life more than I do now…

  • This class has impacted me in a very odd way. It has made me more cautious and open up to my mom about my personal life and how I’m finding me. It has made me aware with everything going on. Has made me and my boyfriend have more in depth conversations about sensitive subjects.

  • I learned about how my tiny decisions now can affect my goals in the future. How if I am careless/reckless I might potentially put myself, others, and future generations in danger.

  • The things we talked about this week affected me by helping let me know that I should & could have the confidence that I need to have to get my goals.

  • Shown me to be myself and my life is important.

  • It’s made me see that I shouldn’t be afraid to be me or whatever I believe in, and if I loose people for that then they were never really there.

  • This lesson we learned this week made me realize how important my decisions are and how the things I sometimes surround myself with is not okay and I need to speak up about my boundaries.

  • This class showed me that it is important to have self-respect and believe in your own worth.

  • I know that my life and any life created is important and has a meaning in this world. I know that I have to respect myself before I can respect others. I know that I have to respect others for them to respect me. I know that I have values that I will always look towards.

  • This past week made me realize that pregnancy & STDs can happen to anyone regardless of what a good person they are. I realized that STDs are a very real risk and to stay away from sex till I’m older.

  • I need to take caution in this time of my life where we can often sacrifice long-term goals for short-term feelings today.

  • This class has impacted how I act. I need to stop acting immaturely and making immature decisions. I see how things affect my life. And anything is possible, I need to take charge of my life.

  • This has taught me that I act based on a feeling a lot. It was a wake-up call pretty much telling me my actions have consequences. This has taught me to use my brain on decisions.

  • I realized how important it is to not have sex at a young age so that I don’t jepordize my futer.

  • It impacted me because I now realize how dangerous sex could be and the risks of it.

  • I think it’s changed my mind on a lot of things I’ve been doing in my life. Knowing how that the things I’ve been doing isn’t just unhealthy it’s not safe and could cost me a great life and education. This class has been eventful and memorial. Thanks!

  • This class impacted me by me realizing I want to stick to my boundaries.

  • Because of my religion, I already want to save sex for marriage, however, this class helped me want to influence my friends and make sure to say my boundaries.

  • How this impact me is I never know about this stuff. It made me see clearly about me as a teen and it impact on my future so I really appreciate it.

  • It opened my eyes on how my future is very important, how I should go on with my hope and dreams.

  • I have more knowledge on the topic of sexual activity and I’m glad I do because people don’t stress enough how important it is. I’m more cautious. Thank you.

  • This class has impacted me because I now understand the pressures that are put on me and how to stand for what I believe in. I can’t just let things go now, I need to stop them.

  • This class made me realize how important my values of myself and of the things around me are and what exactly those values are.

  • I have more knowledge about real world issues. I know why I am making decisions like abstinence now and know why it’s important to make good choices – all the time. Thank you!

  • It strengthened my values and decisions I had already made previously. It showed me more risks than I knew that encouraged me to stay strong.

  • Made me rethink a lot of the choices I’ve made in my life. I feel like I’m more motivated to focus on my goals now rather than what I have been focusing on lately.

  • This class has taught me to be safe, but have fun, be who I wanna be, show the world my values, and that I matter. To respect others and treat myself, to trust others. This class has made an impact on me and my life.

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