Clarksville Middle School
This class has impacted me as a person and as a friend.
It showed me that I can feel comfortable with saying no to things I don’t want to do.
It made me feel better about myself. 😊
It taught me that sex isn’t a priority. And if someone is forcing you, it’s okay to tell someone.
I won’t have sex till I am married.
Thinking about bow much our bodies mean to ourselves.
This class impacted me because it taught me to never use drugs and it’s okay to say no.
It has made me think about choices that I have and no one can pick things for me.
This class has helped me be a better person. 5 Stars – would listen again.
It has impacted me/helped me by making me be more careful and to make good decisions. It has helped me be aware of sex as well as toxic and healthy relationships.
It impacted me because it made me try new choices and overall become a better person.
Gave me more reasons not to use drugs or alcohol.
It has made me think about ways to be safer and it has made me realize that there are things to say no to.
This class helped me talk to my dad.
Made me feel better about myself.
This class has helped me learn that rolling the dice and taking chances is not how to do life. You need to always play safe, no matter what. Thanks a lot for teaching me about life. I will never forget this week.
It impacted me to not have sex before marriage.
It helped me think about which choices I should be making. Whether they are a good friend or not.
It helped me to move to stay healthy.
It impacted me to never give up and never be addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Made me think more clearly.
This class made me think about some things different. Like sex. I just had seen it as a thing people do for fun without any risk.
It made me think before I like someone and made me feel better.
Not to vape or drink.
This class has helped me fix my choices in life.
Helped me get better.
This class has helped me to not have sex.