Clarksville Junior High
It has shown me that I need to think about the choices I make and then make good choices.
It has shown me how sex can affect my life and it has taught me valuable lessons.
It has impacted me by giving me really good information for the future. Giving me a reason to keep going in life. Made me rethink my decisions and choices.
It's impacted me greatly. I'm blessed with a mom and dad who are still together and successful, but there were unspoken questions I had that couldn't be answered. But you did, so thank you! God Bless!
It taught me that there are other things to see instead of making a small bad thing into a big problem. I should focus on making myself better.
It impacted me so much. I needed to learn this stuff. I was never taught half of it, but now I know. I'm going through family problems right now and this past couple of weeks have helped.
It gave me something to look forward to every Thursday. 🙂
It impacted me to be more careful and aware.
It has made me realize the importance of small things about ourselves. It has also made me change my perspective on many things.
It has taught me a lot and has made me think about things I haven't thought about before. Made me think about my future.
It taught me that I am important/valuable.
I feel like I've really learned how valuable I am and that I should have more respect for myself.
It's made me think about my future and how I can save it.