Central Junior High
This class affected me more than any other class. People usually don’t share stuff that apply to me in these types of classes, but you did. I am at a point of knowing what I need to do now, so I will find help.
I have taken this class well and I believe that this is one of the most important things to teach young people about life.
This class made me open my eyes to the idea that even in my healthy relationship, if I am letting that one sector of my life consume my brain so much it can act as a blindfold and cause me to miss out on the bigger picture.
This class has impacted me as I know what the right thing to do is when I am under pressure with bad things.
It has made me less likely to have sex before marriage because the benefits of waiting outweigh the risk of having sex now.
To be honest, I’m lucky because I heard all this stuff right now. Now it won’t happen and I know how to prevent it.
This class has impacted me by teaching me life goals and important things that I should know about that nobody else teaches and it teaches me to be careful with the life I have.
It impacted me by showing me how to talk to my girlfriend easier because I can more easily talk about my feelings.
This class taught me lots of things. It taught me how to be safe with my body and how to fight through hard times.
It allowed me to understand what feelings are all about. Also showed me the importance of certain things and why people my age and others hold back on certain things. I want to make the right choice for myself and a good relationship.
This has helped me think about decisions I’m going to make. I’m going to stop watching porn.
This class really opened my mind to such simpler ways of changing my thoughts/brain. I struggle to think better of myself and waking up every day is a challenge. I feel as if I’m going to stay this way forever no matter the professional help I receive. But I see that changing is a slow, long process of learning what I lost so long ago. I matter, even if I don’t always believe that myself.
It affected me because it helped me understand myself more. The lesson about the brain helped me understand how to fix myself and recover from bad things in the past.
Instead of deflecting feelings that seem hard or complicated, I need to think through how I handle it and how it could affect me.
This class has impacted me because it showed me that I need to think before I act. I need to recognize why I am feeling the way I am and react calmly. I am grateful that I got to hear all of this information to help my future self deal with my emotions.
It has taught me many things and helped me reflect on many decisions I might not be so proud of. This helped me understand why things can happen and gave me a better understanding of life.
This class helped me think about how I can make smarter choices and to have the knowledge needed to protect myself in the future. I also learned a lot about the human body and how it functions and how I can keep my body healthy.
I learned about how important sex is and how I need to really be ready to do that. Love is a commitment, not just attraction.
This class has impacted me by allowing me to understand what’s going on in my head when I’m angry is normal, but not my actions. Now I will learn how to cope with my anger.
This class helped me realize my worth and treat myself in a way that conveys that worth. It also helped me realize that I should be treating others in a way that shows them how amazing they are.
This class showed me that I need to make trustworthy and honest relationships and that I should be a kinder person.
This week has made a good impact on me. Even during the week, I started to think about the things we discussed and started to think before doing something. This class has made me understand how I feel and how others also might feel. Thank you! 😊
This class has taught me a lot in a week. This has helped me actually see the decisions I might have made again if not for this. It was such a pleasure to have him here with us this week because even though he doesn’t know anything specific about my life, he still helped me for the future.
It makes me more aware of not only the physical risks, but the EMOTIONAL risks during sex. It also helped me understand more about my brain & body. Thank you so much. I wish all my peers could have heard this.
This class has impacted me by wanting to respect my body and how important my body is! Not just respect, but take care of my body. THANK YOU FOR THAT!
I’m not going to watch porn anymore.
I learned that I can take my time with sex and I don’t need to rush it. Also learned about my body and learned about STD’s which I’ve never learned before.
I am now able to help and focus myself and other people in situations where they need it.
It has impacted my life because now I am more certain than I’ve ever been that I will save myself for marriage.
This class has impacted me by making me think about all of the small things that I’ve never thought about. I have never thought about sex in the perspective that it was taught in. I will think back to all of the things that I’ve learned in this class. It made me have a broader perspective of everything and I want to say thank you.
It has changed my whole mind about sex to a better one. I know more now and I know how to protect myself.
It’s made me realize that every decision I make affects my future and possibly the lives of others as well. It’s made me focus on choosing safer choices.
This class impacted me by not being so concerned about sex. It has taught me to take care of my body properly. Also, before I get serious about a boy, I should get to know him better and let hormones take over. I will treat my body with respect and make sure others treat me with respect.
I need to be careful what I say on social media. And I will stop smoking.
Some of the choices I see myself making in the future or was going to make soon will be changed for the better.
Makes me realize that I should think more about certain things that impact me and those around me.
Reality Check has allowed me to look at my life and honestly appreciate how I’ve been raised and how I’m doing now.
I have learned that you need healthy relationships and that I can ask for help in life.
It’s shown me that short term actions that make me feel good might not be what’s best for me in my life. Thanks!
The impact this class has had on me is to be more responding than reactive. It has taught me to let go of the past to find a new way in the future, even if that means learning to let people go even when it hurts.
It has encouraged me to take care of me mentally and physically. And to protect myself.
I learned a lot this week about our minds, our bodies, and our hearts. This class motivated me to continue to do the right thing.
Makes me think about what I’m going to do with my life, to change the music I listen to, to feel more, and to enjoy life. Thank you!
This class makes me feel happy and emotional because I’ve never heard about how sex is connected to our mental health. I am really proud to be in this class because it helped me learn more.
It has taught me more about how to save myself and not let people use me.
It’s impacted me into thinking on how I should handle things and take care of them. For example, my father’s issues. I’ve just been coping with it and maybe I need to deal with those feelings.
Made my outlook on doing things sexually change. Also made me realize how desensitized our culture is. Makes me think twice about doing things just to please the other person.
A big impact that this has had on me this week is RELIEF. My mom is a counselor and I knew about most everything, but it was good to hear it from someone else. I was just always wondering how to help other people with problems that they don’t know how to solve. The information you shared also makes me want to stop my porn addiction. Thank you so much.
This class this week has affected me by making me realize that I am worth much more than I think.
This class has opened my eyes to think about certain topics in a certain way. I learned a lot in this time and I have a new way of thinking about things that I never thought about. Overall, I learned that I have a choice.
This class has honestly probably changed my life. I have learned so much from how my reproductive system works and all the risks. I truly appreciate all you have covered within this class and taking time to talk about anything that I may need to know in the future. Also knowing how to make goals for my life and not just expecting whatever to happen. Thank you!!!
The program opened my eyes up to realize that I am not alone and that there are people here for me. It is a great program, keep it up!
Honestly, it really did make me have a reality check. I never realized how dangerous things can be in the real world, and I never really learned about some of the things in the program.
It made me learn what a healthy relationship was and what wasn't one so know I know what to expect in a relationship.
I recognized that I need to be less emotional.
It helped me a lot by impacting me on how to stay safe.
Showed me what I need to work on.
It made me see how all the choices I make affect my life in some way.
It made me think more about my future and how the little things i do now can change my life.
It really helped to outline good ways of making goals, and it outlined some of the best ways to keep things like drugs and alcohol from interfering with the goals that I set.
It taught me some important things about how to be better at making life decisions and how some things I do right now can impact me in the future.
It taught me about all of the things that we need to be aware of becoming upcoming adults and how all of our decisions at this point of time affect our future greatly.
I really never thought that the decisions we made had a big impact on our life especially the sexual thought and actions. After this now I have a better understanding and a more clear mind about the world and others around me.
It showed more things that I didn’t really know and showed me to be safe around those things.
Well it informed me on how I need to be more eye-open on my health. And that there is a big difference between love and infatuation.
It made me think about the consequences of seemingly harmless things.
It made me think more about decision making and being more responsible with my choices.
I learned a lot of things and reflected on challenges that I am facing. My goal for the future got a little more solid and overall it has been a huge reminder and one I needed.
The reality check program helped me understand that there is a lot more to life, we still have a lot of time. It helped me understand that social media isn't always a safe place. It helped me understand the risks of teen pregnancy and being sexually active at a young age. It helped me understand the brain and how it isn't fully developed yet.
What it impact me is we are not born a mistake, we were meant to be here.
It definitely made me realized that your connections (emotional, sexual, and mental) are extremely important but should be known how to navigate in a healthy way especially as a student. It taught me how to better deal with taking the words and opinions that were negative from people around me too.
I understood more about how much my body is worth and to not give in to peer pressure on things like send nudes or to lose my virginity just to lose it. I understand now that denying someone’s request to see my body is not a bad thing. It is not my fault and I am not being mean nor being a "*****." I really liked what we did this week; I learned a lot of things. Thank you.
Well he taught me how to protect myself how little things can affect other people so I'm not the same person I was a week ago.
I thank you because this made me realize that I need to stop letting the past affect me and to focus on the future.
It gave me the thought of that right now as hard as it is, I’m gaining authorship of my life.
It makes me feel better about myself.
The best part of the whole lesson is when you told us to take time. It's what I didn't do with relationships before. On the first day we talked about how we as individuals are valuable. That opened my view on many things. I like the lesson as a whole. It teaches us about sex ed but it also pushes us to value ourselves and who we let in out circle. The lesson itself is spectacular. Before this class I had been curious about all of those things. Now I learned the consequences I don't want to try it for a very long time.
I know quite a few people who have done most of what you talked about so this helped me understand what they're going through.
The part of love. Now I know it will be not so easy. Before this I just thought it was only about my feelings.
This Class has allowed me to know that everything isn't always going to be as easy as it looks and I didn't know the use of a condom included more than two steps.
Taught me how the brain works and makes me not want to do drugs and ruin my brain.
I loved the entire week. So much interesting facts that I didn't know. Im glad our school decided to have this class. Thank you for coming to our school and providing us with all of this amazing information.
Don't know how to put this but its all taught me stuff. The emotional risk have made me realize that fake love can lead to sadness and today has made me realize that I should wait for love.
I feel like I learned a lot this week, but what I think impacted me the most is about STD's and how common they are. I thought they were very uncommon but now I know just how easy they are to get. I also liked your lecture on love. I have rushed relationships before and they ended poorly. So thank you for everything you did.
The most important thing I learned was the difference between love and infatuation. I found it helpful to learn not to rush into a relationship.
The information regarding choices, value, emotions, and stds has impacted me in a way that makes me want to make better choices when involved with situations including sexual activity.
Helped me remember that I am valuable.
Learning all about the truth of social media really helped me also learning about what could happen if you are sexually active at a young age. Also the emotional risks.
I think the day about respect impacted me. It taught me everyone needs respect no matter what age or gender.
Everyone has the same value.
I already didn't want to have sex till I'm married but this really made me want to commit to it.
I will not be so influenced by my friends and what they want me to do.
I learned not to rush or push your feelings and be honest with yourself.
It impacted me because I won't have sex till I'm married.
This class told me the risk of sex and gave me more knowledge on the subject. I know that I need to save my sex for one person.
What impacted me the most was the boundaries because next time, when something happens I can be confident in using Yes no Yes.
The information that impacted me the most was the part about not giving into peer pressure because these days its gets harder to say no.
I am glad that you informed me that when you have relations with some one it can have impactful emotional effects on you.
The information about boundaries really helped because now I know you don't always have to agree or go with an idea you don't feel comfortable with.
The most impactful information I learned is that their are a lot of emotional weight with being sexually active with a partner and you shouldn't be quick to do things if your not sure.
I learned how you don't have to use drugs, drink and have sex to be cool.
I am very thankful for you reaching about love. It's a topic that's not typically discussed with children. I'll definitely consider what in the future.
You helped me learn more about how to say no to the bad things in life and how to set boundaries.
This class has taught me a lot of new things especially to set boundaries for the things I care about most.
I have learned about all of the emotional consequences that go along with sexual activity and that love isn't sex.
This class made me realize the risks and choices we have in our life and that some things can affect other areas in our life.
I liked learning about the impact of body language and how standing, sitting strong and make you feel strong. I also liked learning about the difference between love and infatuation cause now I know and better understand what I feel.
I decided that I am going to set boundaries & stop being scared to say no.
I had never known that if you keep holding your emotions inside, it can get worse in time. Until you helped me release it all out and fixed it.
Helped me understand that holding feelings in will not help me with anything and I need to tell people.
The Information I heard this week that impacted me the most is the difference between love and infatuation because I think, especially kids my age should know the difference.
Because of the info received I now have more boundaries and respect myself more.
The information that impacted me the most was learning that it's ok to set boundaries and no one can force me into something.
This class this week has made me think about who I really want to be and how who I am right now effects who I want to be and who I will become. Setting boundaries are necessary to become the person you plan on being.
It helped me realize that I have a life ahead of me that I need to keep safe.
This class has impacted me by changing my perspective on setting boundaries. I now know that boundaries aren’t meant to contain us, but to give us freedom.
It has impacted me by actually learning a lot that I didn’t know. I had already known that I have boundaries but it really made me think about them. The class really made me think about my future decisions and decisions I have to make for my future. Garage in garbage out is something I’ll always think about now.
This taught me how to respect myself and the people around me. I need to set limits so I don’t do anything I will regret the rest of my life.
I now know that particular things aren’t always bad. But when relationships come along I know what I need to do to keep myself comfortable and not pressured. Thank you for coming!
This class has impacted me by understanding the values in my life and how there will always be ways to protect my values and my future.
It helped me realize that I am me and not everything I do, my friends will agree with. My choices are mint to make. Not all my friends are real friends. This class has made me feel like I have real potential.
This class has impacted me by to stay true to my values. It helped me focus on what’s important in my life.
This class has impacted me and my life by me making better choices since Monday after class, seeing the value that people have and the value that I have.
That giving up your self-respect is a way to stress, depression, feeling like your not worth anything and making you feel like you’re not happy. Be happy with your choices and think about what you do before you do it. You don’t need sexual actions to be worth anything.
Health class this week has brought me clarity. I now better understand much more about physical relationships, and the dangers that come with them. I learned how to decrease/eliminate those dangers.
Reality Inc. has impacted me because now I know that the choices I make now are going to make life easier when I’m older. I am now committed to be a stronger person because my future matters.
I learned a lot but in a different way that I’ve ever heard it before. I now know of more consequences from my actions. After this week I understand more about how to keep myself out of unsafe situations.
Being in this class changed the way I look at things. It really made me think about the decisions I will be forced to make. It showed me what kind of person I would like to be. Overall this class has made me want to be a better person and I am thankful for it.
It opened my eyes to a world that I hardly understood.
This class impacted me a lot. It changed my mind on doing sexual things with my boyfriend. I learned to tell him no and mot feel bad about it. I learned that I have the power to be who I want to be when I am 5. I have the power to control what apps I have. Thank you so much for informing with all these facts.
This class impacted me because I was struggling with setting boundaries but now I know what I need to do.
This class impacted me by making me change my mind how I see things. I learn things that I didn’t know before and it kinda made me realize of how some people in my life shouldn’t around them, but it also made me see how some of my friends make me make a good choices in my life.
This made me change the way I act towards other people and myself. My bad habits are gone because I started thinking deeper into who I’m going to be when I grow up. I also want to thank you for the lesson, and I hope you could keep up the good work!
This class taught me so many things that I didn’t understand what I’ve learned will definitely help me in getting where I want to be in the future My parents always give me VERY good advice, but I think I learned things I wouldn’t have heard anywhere else! Thank you!!
It impacted me by showing me the consequences of sex, pressures, etc. I have chosen to change a little bit. Not that I have done any thin g sexual (I haven’t) but to change the relationships, goals, and the people I talk to on or off my phone.
It showed me how to make better life choices on who to hang out with and who to talk to. Just overall helped me be a better person and consider to change a couple of things in my life to make it better. You helped me think straight and helped me see that if I improve my life it will get better.
These five days it changed me to set boundaries in life, and to focus on who I want to be when I’m 35. And to also be a better person and to not do things that make me feel uncomfortable. Thank you.
This class impacted me to realize who I am with can be a problem. Separate myself from social media and people that I don’t even really trust. You made me think that if I want a good future I need to look at the decisions I am making today!!
Reality Check, Inc. has made me so thankful for the family I have. I go home knowing I have nothing to worry about. Now I can explain why I don’t do something to people. I am freaking awesome!!
This class made a HUGE impact on me because I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to me on social media. Also It changed the way I feel positive about myself. I now understand you don’t have to be like everybody else because they can make you change without you noticing what is going on. Thank you.
Being in Health isn’t easy nor is it enjoyable all the time. There are parts of health that can be uncomfortable to us. However, being in health has taught me something no other class in my life has: Who I am and who I can become Health gives me a blueprint of who I truly am deep inside and a road map to any choice I make for my future.
This class provided me with more information so I can make smarter decisions and in some cases better decisions.
This week impacted me in a lot of ways. First is I don’t know if I want to get snapchat now because of what you said about it.
It has impacted me because it has taught me correct ways to be respectful and the correct way to go into life and to live a good life.
It has impacted my whole life and how I look at things in life. It has made me want to do better for myself. Also has impacted how I look at others and how to respect them.
This class impacted me a lot because it helped me want to set more boundaries and make better decisions. And help me learn and understand that making better decisions will be better so I can make it to 35 doing the things I want.
It made me realize what social media can do.
It opened my eyes. I learned a lot and know more. It was a great experience for learning while at the same time funny and interesting. It is good to know these things.
I am excited and know I’ve been making the right decisions in my life and I know I need to keep it up.
I finally understood why I have feelings for a boy that treats me very badly (oxytocin) and I think I can finally stand up for myself thank you.