Fulbright Junior High
This class impacted me by helping me choose the right decisions. It helped me see that friends can turn you into a whole different person. It showed me what drugs and alcohol can do to you and helped me stop. This class has really impacted me. Thank you!
The things you have said has made me think in a different perspective and I thank you for doing so. Some people need to be able to find happiness in OTHER ways and you have opened a path in my mind.
I have come to realize that not only does society put labels on people by how they look, etc., but I myself do too. I’m definitely ready to make some changes. We have to get to know people before we judge others.
This class helps me understand the other person better. This helps me control my temper more and how to understand people more. So thank you!
You made me realize that I am much more than what others label me as. Plus you also helped me break free from a toxic friendship.
This has made me realize to stay strong and think of myself as worthy.
The time you have been here has been really helpful and has changed the way I think for the better.
This helped me by being more straightforward with my sister and helping my mom with things she needs help with.
I believe that these Fridays have impacted us by showing us the true value of life, our lives.
Helped me to start to understand my self worth.
You impacted my life by showing me the wrong in my life. Someone in my life vapes and you showed me I shouldn’t be like that and to have good boundaries.
It has taught me to keep my boundaries with people and the effects doing stuff can affect my life both mentally and physically.
It has showed me how to make my life better and how to improve my relationships.
I feel inspired. Inspired to teach what I’ve learned. Inspired to be like you.
Being in this class these past few weeks has helped me open my mind to new ideas and has helped me be a better and more positive person. Thank you.
It’s definitely helped me see the light when there’s dark times.
This has impacted me to not assume and put labels on people when you don’t really know them and to not always follow what your friends do.
This class has helped me get through a hard time with a girl. This class has helped me have boundaries and to be kind.