George Junior High
The class made me realize good decisions lead to good benefits and good benefits lead to a good future. I have the right to plan my future.
It made me wanna become a better person.
It helped me make decisions about my future by considering the consequences that could take place.
Changing the way I think.
This class has impacted me good because I was able to see the other side of things and understand what’s good and bad.
To work on having a better future based on my actions.
This class impacted me a lot because I learned about new things. It also taught me things on how to make my relationship better.
It has impacted me by thinking more about my decisions and if they are the right ones.
This class impacted me a lot. It changes the way I saw the world before. Now I realize the choices I make can have consequences.
I am no wiser about my life decisions.
This class has affected me in a good way because I learned many new things, not only about how to keep my body safe but also my mind.
This has impacted me by me learning a lot more about myself. I have also learned more about sexual topics and how to be safe.
This class made me think more about these issues since I was ignorant of a lot of this.
It help me realize what life is and how I can make my life better and learn from my mistakes in real life and now I thought on how I can fix them.
This class has helped me realize that I don’t need to have sex or do drugs to fit in. I should learn to respect myself and make my own decision in the things I do.
This class has impacted me by viewing things in a different way. And talking about some stuff that I may not be comfortable talking about with my friends or family.
This class has taught me to not stress about things that don’t matter.
This class made me realize a lot of new things. I’ve went a couple months without TikTok and my life has been a lot better. I’ve recently deleted YouTube and Instagram because I realize that social media has been a big blindfold in my life.
This class has impacted me by showing me to stop doing things that don’t matter and to focus on my goals.
This class impacted me by helping me remember what motivates me to keep pushing forward in life.
It has helped me realize a lot and has shown me that I need to fix certain things that I do not like in my life. I want to wait to have sex until I’m married.
This class has impacted me because it really opened my eyes about who to trust and let in my life. It has showed me how to deal with certain things and take care of myself.
It impacted me by letting me know that even if my life feels messed up, there are things I can do to change it in the future.
It impacted me by letting me know that I’m not alone, that I can get help, and I’m not the only one going through things.
I feel this class has benefited me. Giving me knowledge that I’ll need and telling me what I need to hear. Because of this class, I’m going to try to pick better friends and stop drinking and smoking. Thank you for coming Mr. Pratt.
This class has impacted me positively. I know I deserve a healthy relationship, friendships, and people I can trust. Respect is also deserved. I now know to make sure I think before I act. Thank you!
It impacted me with more motivation about myself. It helped me learn a lot of things I didn’t know.
This class has impacted me by giving me a better perspective of life and all the things I shouldn’t focus on and what I should focus on instead.
This class has impacted me because now I know to never give up and there is always a solution to everything.
This class has impacted me a lot. There’s a lot of things that I wish I could’ve avoided, and I feel like this class has helped me to better understand myself. As well as my emotions. I feel more comfortable about a lot of things. Things my parents have never talked tome about were covered here & I feel well and comfortable. Thank you.
It’s impacted me to be confident in myself. I had a bad experience when I was younger and I was insecure. Now I know everything I need to know.
It’s given me a better understanding of what’s going on in not just my brain, but in other people’s brains. Reality Check has also helped me learn that life isn’t short and that you should make the best decisions for yourself.
This impacted me by thinking how I am gonna focus on myself and thinking what good things could happen. To push forward with my life in a good way.
I learned that it’s never too late.
This class has impacted me by not wanting to just have sex with anyone. And to stop smoking.
It made me a better person and gave me warnings.
This class has made me more aware of how my choices can impact my future, relationships, and others around me. Especially myself.
This class impacted me by making me think more positive than negative.
This class showed me how toxic some of my friends were, so I left those relationships. And I’m going to try harder in life.
This class has impacted the way I choose to make decisions in the future. The lessons taught in this class gave me a better and safe opportunity to stay away from things that could affect me later on in the future.
Small choices can lead to big problems. Choices you make can affect you for the rest of your life. It made me think about what I should do to make a better me, so I that I can be happy with myself and not have regrets.
It really impacted the choices I make around my friends.
I think it really told me that every choice you make does make an impact on you. Sex, relationships, and other behaviors will have an impact on you because it’s something that we do when we are any ages. I think that it was necessary that the lessons were taught because it definitely impacted me so if it impacted me then it can impact anyone.
I guess it made me feel safe and not to fear to ask question or talk to someone about it.
It really taught me more about the male and female body and how it works and how to be safe if doing anything sexual.
To not smoke or do bad things like drugs and listen to your adults.
Well it gave me an understanding about sexual activities and about our emotions that we may have not known about and it really impacted me to learn more about people and why and how they feel and why they might trust the wrong types of people and much more.
It enlightened me on how to be a better person.
It really showed me how important our body is. It also made me aware of what can happen to you and diseases and many more things.
I started to pay attention to the people around me.
I learned a lot about making decisions and choosing who belongs in my circle.
Really taught me about how real relationship are supposed to be like.
It taught me a lot about reaching my goals.
This week made me realize that I run away too much, it’s okay to run away but I can’t run away forever. At one point or another I have to stick up for myself and face problems head on. So thank you very much for teaching me that.
It had a great impact on me, I really do need a person in life to set me forward once a month or week. I really want someone to guide me and have my perspective changed and not always focus on the negatives. I also want to do that for someone.
Made me see there is deeper things in life with staying safe, sexually, mentally, and many other things like that, that can affect us in many ways.
It impacted me by helping know how choices impact my life in the future and how it be careful.
The way I see life and my future.
To be in a healthy relationship.
Helping me understand what I want for my future.
It gave me a lot answers or reason for issues that has been happening.
Reality Check helped me realize a lot of things and it taught me more about emotions and relationships.
How much worth I have.
The impact of this week was a great impact that makes me want to do the right thing through my life and respect my boundaries and other people's boundaries.
The last five days have made me think of my future. I have always thought of myself as a mom and the whole STD lesson got me thinking that I need to be more careful. Especially in high school. STDs are something I hear a lot about and have been informing close ones.
It was good and I got to think about my future and how I want to live it. Thank you!
This helped me understand that I need to be careful with the choices I make. Even if my girl wants something different.
Learning about how our choices really do matter to others and how we treat ourselves takes a good role on our future.
This lesson most definitely won't be forgotten. I have always been a planner and I plan out my life because I want to do good and be better. This week opened my eyes from a recent breakup. It made me realize that it wasn't what thought and I can do better and I will be okay.
This lesson impacted me because most of these things I never knew about and my old friends don't respect their body. They just have sex with anyone. I never want to have sex until I get older.
This taught me how much self worth is important. Especially for a girl who wants to meet everyone's expectations.
For the past few weeks I've been really struggling with school and my mental health. Reality Check has made me realize that it's worth t to keep going. Thank you.
The way you explained everything it really opened my mind. Thank you for taking your time and showing that you care. Talks like these really go a long way for a teen that does and sees many things.
This has made a big impact in my life because I learned how to protect myself and to make the right choices during my teenager life.
This made me reflect on my life and evaluate all my choices. This gave me motivation to succeed in life and to do my best. The past few weeks haven't been the best, quite the opposite, Reality Check made me want to do better for my family.
The reality check program taught me how to respect myself. I know when to make decisions and to know how these decisions will impact my future.
Throughout this whole week, I realized the importance and affect of sex. Sex is not love. You have to be cautious with the way you think about sex . Sex can lead to pregnancy, and diseases or illnesses and some can affect your life permanently.
You made me think about infatuation and reconsider a choice I was planning on making soon with someone.
It made me realize how important our choices are and made me more aware about risks and future problems your decisions can make.
During this class I have wanted to change my life. I have done things I shouldn’t have done but it’s so hard to stop. The things you have taught us made me wanna change my life.
This lesson made an impact on me because I was going to do something inappropriate with a girl but it made me rethink my decision.
This has impacted me because it made me realize the consequences of my act’s and that mistakes I’ve lived life too fast and I need to slow down or I won’t go too far.
This class has impacted me by being more careful and knowing I can fix my mistake and move forward. This class helped me by knowing I can change.
This class has taught me to be more confident. It has taught me to be careful in the future. Also to pay attention to little things.
This class impacted me by teaching me to be respectful to your body and save your sex for marriage.
It had a good impact on me. I feel hurt or sad/down and I keep all to myself, isolate myself, I tell people I’m fine, but it’s okay to feel these things. I can get better, it’s not forever.
It has helped me learn many things. Now I’m rethinking of how I should live my life. Like when should I have sex, if I should ever even drink or not, and to be careful with my feelings.
It gave me insight on things I can watch out for. I think more people should know the risks and benefits of what you taught us in class.
I feel good because I learn something that not good for your body. All these things make me don’t do something that we are not suppose to do.
During the week I’ve been in this class it has impacted me to quit wanting to smoke.
This class has made a big impact on the way I think and feel about things. It has taught me to be more considerate when it comes to my own body. This class helped me to understand more about obstacles in life. During this time, I feel like I can relate to the stories and lessons.
The impact this class has had for me is having hope for a better future. I also learned many things about having a committed relationship or marriage.
This class has had a great impact. It has taught me why I should not have sex until marriage. It also taught me to only get married if you truly love someone, don’t just marry for looks, body, and feelings. It’s way more than that.
It did because smoking is bad and I ain’t gonna do that.
This class has made a big impact on my life because it has shown me we have more to offer. It also taught me the right paths to take. I learned more. I also know now some of the right actions to make. This class will help me look at thing different, but in a good way. I want to thank you! J
It made me think a lot about people I know. I want to help them more.
Something that has impact me this week was that I have speak up for myself because if we don’t speak up we might do things that we shouldn’t do. Even though sometime we feel really low doesn’t mean that we have to do things that we might regret later on. Thank you.
I learned that I hold one of the most valuable things. And it is worth-the-wait to get married and give it up. Not just being a teen and be pressured to give it up. I pledge.
Made me think about decisions I make and inspires me to do abstinence starting now.
After learning about the precautions of having sex, I will make sure to stay safe and set boundaries for myself. This has also taught me to be cautious about the things around me and decisions to make.
What has impacted me during this week is knowing what love really is and how I know who I really love…
I will wait until marriage like I have planned to let people know about how many risks are out there not just for them but for me too. Now that I’m almost to high school everything can change.
Well this information helps me and impacts me because I haven’t learned to much about sex and how much risk we are doing by having sex with out protection… This information is good… I will take care of my life and my body.
I learned that even if you have safe sex there are many dangers and risks. Learning this has helped me to decide to be abstinent.
I learned that you need to know what’s valuable to you; before you give it away.
This class has impacted my life in a positive manner. I now know the importance my sex is. I will now know how to face different kind of pressures life throws at me. Thank you!
This class has impacted me by encouraging me to save my sex for marriage and to be careful on things I do because it can make a big impact on my life. It also impacted me cause it made me think about the choices I make, and taught me why its better to wait till I’m mature enough.
I learned to not have sex yet and my future matters.
I learned how to avoid sex and how to set my boundaries. I learned my value and that abstinence is the best thing to choose in keeping your value and staying safe.