Helen Tyson Middle School
6th Grade:
This class impacted and helped me be more dependable and which helped me improve alot and make important decisions.
This class impacted me in a great way. Yes, it did help me make an important decision to stop vaping.
This class made me realize that you can do anything and to make good decisions.
This class impacted me with my friends because some of them are bad.
The way this class impact me was to wait for the right time for things and make right decision.
This class helped me learn how I can take care of my self and be healthy.
Yes this class did make me do an important decision because now I know how how to say no to peer-pressure.
This class impacted me giving me knowledge of what to do
This class impacted me by teaching me to make a new decision.
This class impacted me in a really good way because it helped me open up to people.
This class showed me how my life could be.
Yes this class helped me know when to make a decision.
It has helped me learn about the good and the bad and will help me a lot in the years to come.
It helped me making safe choices in the future.
This class impacted me by learning how to be healthy it made me live a more healthy life.
This class has helped me learn on how to say no. Doesn’t matter how pressured you are if you really don’t want to do it you will say NO!
This class impact by showing and knowing how to stand up for myself and make good choices.
It made think back of the bad choices I wanted to do.
It made me have better decisions.
This class has impacted me by showing me how to make the right choice, set boundaries, and avoid, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and stay safe.
It taught me to stay away from unhealthy relationships.
I now know what things I should stay away from.
It teached me about life and choices to make.
This class helped my future and gave me a better understanding.
I learned a lot. Now I can see if my relationships are healthy or not.
This class helped me know some things. We will be tempted but sometimes you have to say NO.
It has taught me some things I didn’t know before. And now I can make even better decisions and help myself build an even better future.
It made me realize hanging out with “cool” kids isn’t good if they don’t have the “FRIEND” qualities. They may do something bad and be a bad influence.
It made me think about the actions that I may do and how it could affect my future when I’m an adult.
This class has impacted me to not give in to bad decisions.
It helped me learn what’s good and what’s bad and made me think about my choices ahead.
This class has impacted the way I see things in the future.
It helped me make better decisions.
This class has impacted me by teaching me what is right and wrong. I have learned that sex can have some bad consequences.
It made me feel calm and more happy about life and this lesson taught me that I can just be me and live life more better and get my mind off the other things that has happened in life.
Yes, this class has impacted me. It has helped me learn how to take care of myself and how to stop and think in difficult moments.
It’s helped me with the many dangers that we need to know, so we can pre-caution ourselves. Thank you for teaching me, I really appreciate it!
It has gave me self-confidence and showed me things that I need in life.
This class has showed me ways to stay healthy, how to avoid things and say no. This class has helped me by showing me strategies to make choices, showed me courage, and strengths.
This class helped me by seeing which friends are real or not.
This class has helped me become a better friend-person, and to understand what was bad for me and not.
It helped me learn my limits and where to set my boundaries.
Yes this class helped me to walk away from a fight and other stuff and also making good choices.
It helped me make better decisions in life.