J.O. Kelly Middle School
6th Grade: ​
It impacted me because it made me think positive and to think that I’m valuable to others.
This class impacted me because it helped me learn the decisions I’m going to make in the future. After I’m married I can choose to have sex. I really liked this class because it taught me so much about my life I will have.
This class has helped me realize that I need to set boundaries for myself to keep me safe from harm.
What impacted me was that I can control the emotions that I feel. 😊
This class is gonna change my future by doing safe things and standing up fro myself and saying no to things that I don’t want to do.
This class made me decide to stop vaping.
The way this class impacted me is to do better.
I’m not gonna have sex until marriage.
This class made me learn a lot of stuff about making my own decisions.
This class impacted me by learning not to take pics of my body.
This class helped me that you can always say no to bad pressures. This class showed me to make good decisions on the internet.
This class made me think about not smoking and not doing drugs. Even though I already knew not to do it, it felt nice to have a conversation about it.
It showed me how to say no if I’m in an uncomfortable place.
To make sure that I have people in my life who don’t do things that are harmful like drugs.
I know that I shouldn’t do bad things on social media.
6th Grade: ​
This class impacted me by having me realize to make good decisions because sometimes I want to do something but I know I shouldn't do that.
It helped me think about the future and what I want to do in life.
This class had made me think about a lot because our choices in life can affect our future.
It made me realize that my choices going forward can really impact not only myself, but others as well.
It has taught me to look at the bigger side of things and not to let people or things influence me.
Normally I would take my gut feeling and pick something I feel is right, but now I know to think twice.
This class made me be more smart with relationships.
It made me think more about my future
It made me think about making the right choices and to speak up
It made me think about reassuring myself/loving myself because I don't.
7th Grade: ​
This class has impacted me by rethinking about who I hang with and what I do. Also that there are some consequences to having sexual thoughts and actions.
It showed me how to not give up the things that are important to me.
It has impacted me by not hanging out with the wrong person.
Something I learned was to always take responsibility for my actions.
It impacted me to work hard.
This class has impacted me because I’ve learned how to take care of myself and my sexual value.
It has helped me set a future and to do anything dumb. THANK YOU.
This class has showed me to respect others people because you never know what they’re going through or what they have done or where they are in their life.
I realized about what’s important in life.
I realized that everything that seems interesting isn’t always the best.
It has impacted me to make better choices in my life.
It made me think differently about my friends and my choices. Way more.
This made me made decisions and think about life.
This class has impacted me by teaching me responsibility in a fun way.
6th & 7th Grade: ​
I learned about how peer pressure can affect people and this impacted me to be able to trust myself. I also learned that infatuation, love, and crush are different things. This helps me identify what others are feeling and possibly what I'm feeling about other people. Last but not least, STD's are dangerous consequences and being cautious is not a bad thing.
To be a better than I was before and to be a better friend.
To be kind to others. Also to be respectful and respect their thoughts.
It made me a better person.
I'm gonna take a break off girls.
I learned that I need to improve my friendship with others.
I learned some new things in reality check this year that will help me later in life.
It made me feel good.
It had an impact on me by teaching me how to be safe and how to trust myself on many things.
I was able to learn valuable information about how to take care of myself with us growing up and deciding when to be sexually active. I also learned how my reproductive system works, the difference between being in love and not really.
By making me realize more about me.
I learned that I should be a better friend and hear my friends out properly. But mostly it changed the way I think about my mental health more.
It helped me figure out who I really was and it let me change my personality to who I am now.
It made more confident about myself, and I really learned a lot more than I expected but most importantly it thought me to be the person I am today.
I chose not to do drugs.
It made me realize that I have many goals to accomplish.
I am more mature about the human body.
I learned how to express my feelings.
It made me feel good about myself.
It changed me to inspire people to make more people kind and make them spread joy.
I got to actually reflect and think about my actions.
6th Grade Students: ​
It helped me in a way. To think before I do something. To be more careful with my choices. To stay focused on my future, and to not let anything take away from my future and dreams.
The impact that this class has had was good because now I can rethink stuff.
I want to save my sex for marriage.
It teached me how to be a better person.
I’ll never smoke or do drugs.
This class has made me feel good because I did not know everything in the paper.
Thank you for teaching me about safe relationships.
I like Reality Check because it tells me how to stay safe and told me about STD.
This class has been really helpful and made me change some choices.
This class has helped me to look up for my future. It has also made me have a healthy life and relationship in my future.
This will make me make better choice in my future and in life.
Be more responsible.
The impact that this class has had on me is that it taught me how so many things there are in life to prevent you from reaching our life goals.
To never do things that will affect my future in a bad way. Thank you.
I learned that keep your body safe.
It has helped me make better choices.
I rethinked about if I’m a good friend. Also let me think about the friends I choose.
It has affected me by making me think about how I can handle things in life.
This week made an impact on me because I now know I can make better and smarter choices in my future.
I have learned that my future matters more than I thought. I need to set boundaries and make important choices.
I can make better and smarter choices in my future.
This affected me in a good way because I will know more and can tell other people to not make bad choices.
The impact is this will help me in the future a lot because now I know to stay away from those bad things and become a strong and confident person.
This week I learned how to make better decisions with friends.
I have thought about how consequences can change your life and to not just make a choice based on the present, but also to think about your future.
These lessons gave me confidence that I can make better choices.
My brother tells me I’m a piece of trash. Knowing that I have value makes me feel so much better.
You have showed me how to stay safe. It also showed me that I have the right to say no. Thanks for coming and teach me a life lesson that I won’t forget.
Thank you for coming to our school and teaching us this important information. I will take your information and use it for good in the future.
I learned that I am important and valued. I am glad I learned these things so I can be careful in the future.
These lessons helped me know my worth!!!
These lessons taught me a lot of how to respect myself and not have sex this young.
The impact was to take care of my body and to respect other people. And it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, you are a great person.
I learned to make good decisions and have good friends. To be respectful and have healthy relationships and to have self respect and set boundaries.
This week impacted me because I am more aware about the future. I feel so much more confident in myself and feel that my worth is special.
7th Grade Students:
This will help me in the future and get me prepared. This told me I am myself and I don't need to be changed.
I learned it's ok to say no to stuff you don't want to do and to respect your own self.
This weeks lessons impacted me very much. I've done things in my life I regret because I was afraid to say no.It's hard now but I'm not scared because it's not making me happy.
This weeks lesson was good. Now I know how to make smart choices for myself and how to protect my body.
The way she spoke out and said that you should speak up for yourself and love yourself made me feel special and loved and important.
This week really helped me know my worth! It helped me know what type of people I need and don't need in my life.
This week has impacted me to take care of myself and how to have a healthy life.
This week was very helpful. It will guide me to the right ways in my future. Now I know my values. Thank you reality check.
This week is gonna help me because I feel a lot stronger in myself.
This weeks lessons made me think about how important I am. If I'm in danger, tell an adult I trust, and to be careful with the choices that I make in life.
How it helped me was to knowing to not let people pressure me in to doings things that I don't want to do.
It impacted me by showing me that I deserve a better future for me and for my body!!
What impacted me was about peer pressure. I was once pressured to smoke and one time I did, but now I know how to counter act that peer pressure.
The lesson about love impacted me because you were speaking straight facts.
This class impacted me to be patient about love and sex.
It helped me to save my sex and not ask a girl for a picture of her naked.
The best info I heard this week was the day 5 boundaries and assertiveness.
What hit the most was what std can do to you like viral or bacterial so I'm going to save sex.
When you told me boundaries of love and infatuation and how to set your boundaries. Also the values that was important to me.
When you were talking about drugs because their is somebody I care about and I don't think I should hang out with them.
Something that impacted me was how people talk about how something is cool but don't' say the bad side of it.
The thing that impacted me was setting borders because there are people who will try to stop me from reaching them.
Saving my sex is my best choice. Love and infatuation are two different things.
The drugs, alcohol and all the diseases so I don't wanna have sex with multiple people.
An impact reality check has on me was telling me about std's because at first I was scared of getting them when / if I grew but then found out you can't get them if you and the girl you married never had sex.
A impact reality check had on me was to not use drugs cause it will ruin my future.
It had a impact on me especially on love and infatuation differences, they were pretty different from each other.
I know what is right about things such as sex or the sexual part of the body. I know what choices to make to help me.
6th Grade Students: ​
This week when Reality Check came to my school I learned what to do and what not to do. I want to give a huge thanks. I will remember this for the rest of my life. It WILL impact my life!
You taught me how to know who the fakes are. Also that my life is valuable.
Reality Check has taught me to say NO and stand up for myself!
This made me change to a better person and also make better choices.
This is getting me to think a lot more of my choices and I do need to speak up and show it. This got me thinking a lot MORE!
It made me make better choices for my life and Ii like that. Thank you.
This week has made me change my behavior. This week also made me think about my future.
It made me think about life is more important than I think and our future is more important. To be thinking now instead of later. I’m glad I had this class because it made me think things for the future.
It gave me a reality check. Reminding me that I can make good choices. I can guide my friends to be better and also take care of myself.
I learned that I have a goal in my life and I should try to achieve those goals instead of doing other stuff.
I feel that this will help me make good choices and whenever I have a chance to make a choice I will look back on this and pick the better choice.
The information will help me to say no if my friends tell me to do drugs or to drink alcohol. It will help me not have sex with more than one person and only after marriage.
What impacted me the most was about rating the friend part and now that I think about it I can become a better friend and I will.
This class made me realize no matter the pressure don't break boundaries.
This class taught me to think before you act and to make right choices.
The impact that this class had on me is that you can always nay no.
What impacted me in reality check is that it's ok to say no and not have sex with multiple other people.
I never knew this class would teach stuff that would come to situations in life and without it no kids would know.
All though I felt awkward learning about this it was the most informative thing I have learned in awhile. The most important thing I learned was about the consequences of the risk I take it showed me the other side before I would accidentally do it and that was good
Reality Check helped me see who I really am. It also helped me see the consequences of the bad or good decisions we make. Thank you Reality Check!!!
These lessons helped me think more about my future and think ahead and to keep my head up and not down. It also helped me to set boundaries.
The effect this organization's lessons had on me is don't date too early and sometimes you really need to say "No", and people really need to be aware of themselves.
This made an impact on me because I now know more about me. I've set some boundaries and I am now thinking about the future and what I want to do.
This will help me get through life. It's important to me because I can use it later.
These lessons helped me to learn more about my body. These lessons really did use my PE time well. You also helped me to learn my boundaries and how I should act towards my future.
I learned a lot of things. Such as timing, what love is, and other things. If I weren't to come here I would have regretted things in the future.
I learned that we are still growing and that we need to protect ourselves.
You made me learn and recognize my boundaries and what I should know for the future. Thank you because you taught me safety and love. Thank you <3
This week I learned that even though it can be hard, it is better to make good decisions.
In this class I learned how to be safe and about STD's and friendship and more. I will be safe with alcohol and not do it. This class taught me to protect myself.
This helped me be more confident.
I learned a lot about friendship and love. Thank you for taking your time to teach us these situations, it really helped me a lot and I understand things better.
I learned how to use my words and voice to say no. I also learned how to make the best decisions.
I learned how to say no to someone without feeling guilty.
This lesson showed me who are the right kind of friends for me and to be kind to others and what is a crush, infatuation, and love.
I learned that you can say no when you don't feel right. Also when someone is telling you to do something you don't want to do, you can walk away.
The part where you told me what I was worth really boosted me up <3 Thank you!
7th Grade Students:
Reality check has taught me to value myself and set boundaries.
This class taught me a lot and I made some good decisions after this class. If I wasn't here I probably would've had a bad life.
Something that really impacted me is to be safe and have patience on what you want. You have to do the right, not the bad so you can look cool.
I am glad I found out about infatuation and love because I now can tell that the relationships I have aren't love and I won't hate love now.
You have helped me realize my worth as a young lady and you have also made me realize that Love is not what I thought it was.
What impact this week has helped me is that STD's can spread by many ways. So I'm deciding to save my sex for 1 person.
This class made me think about my future and taught me about sex.
Something that helped me is knowing about the consequence of sex and different std's. This helped me know to take care of ourselves.
What Impacted me the most is don't let others pressure you.
This Class helped me by learning what happens when you have sex before you find the perfect match for you.
This week taught me about my body and the changes that are happening are normal. you all taught me what is right and wrong and that I don't need to put myself at risk of something like having a baby now in order to be happy.
What I'm going to take away is that I need to value myself and take care of myself.
This helped me by thinking about the people who I am around with. I'm going to try to hang out with the right people.
This week made me think of my future and what I want to do. This class kind of cured my depression.
This class impacted me by not doing drugs or alcohol or don't have sex until I am 21 and married.
This class was helpful. The impact this class had on me was that it showed me to set boundaries and about healthy relationships and bad ones.
This was helpful because I learned that I need to walk away from people and set boundaries.
Everything I have learned this week has made a huge impact on me because I learned a lot about the reproductive system, but what mainly took from this week was about love and boundaries.
It made me realize the bad things that will happen when having sex at a young age and help me understand the importance of love.
It helped me think that the lesson that I learned was really important for me and for us. If what would of happen if we did not learn these things.
One thing I'm going to take with me is the difference from love and infatuation and how to set boundaries.
Something I'm not going to do is to not be sexually active because there are some negative impacts to doing that.
Something that impacted me was that I learned what love actually is and what my boundaries should be.
During this week, this class has impacted me in many ways. During this week, I have learned that I should set boundaries and speak up to those who have had some negative impacts on me. I should now step away from those people.
This week I'm going to start to put boundaries and start to change what I need to change. I will see if I'm actually protecting my boundaries from anything.
One impact was my personal boundaries I will set my boundaries. I will not give into my hormones pressure.