Lakeside Junior High
I’ve known my relationship was toxic, but I didn’t want to leave for my feelings or his. I didn’t want to hurt him. Instead, he broke up with me in a really harsh way. I’ve been really sad, but you helped me realize that I deserve better. Thank you!
This class showed me value and self respect.
It showed me the importance of saving your body for the person that has a mindset and is mature to wait until they get married.
I learned so much about girls and boys. Also how porn affects a person. I’m going to start helping myself.
It has taught me a lot. It has taught me to stop doing a lot of the stuff I do and start spending more time with others.
This class has impacted my thought over sex, drugs, drinking, and choosing wisely who I want around me and being with me.
This class has impacted me to not judge people because you never know what they have gone through and you should never force anyone to do anything.
My day is better when I get to this class.
This class has impacted me by making me think about all my decisions in life and from now on I will think about a lot.
It impacted me to do the right thing and not feel pressured to do stuff I don’t want to do.
This class impacted me to at least try and stop smoking because I have been hurting a lot of people.
It showed me that I have a voice and I can say no if I don’t want to/don’t feel comfortable.
It has taught me that I matter and I should take care of myself.
It changed the way I used to think. It made me realize how many things aren’t always what you have to do. It also made me see how important it is to protect yourself.
To be productive and be something in life.
This class impacted my view on the world and how my life can affect other people.
To focus on life and don’t chase someone who is only wanting sex.
I learned a lot this week. Probably more than I’ve learned all week in every other class.
It has changed my perspective about life and my health.
This class impacted me by changing the way I view my own habits.
This class impacted me by showing me not to focus on one thing and to be able to look at other things. Also that everything comes in it’s own time.
To not smoke, drink, vape. To never watch porn.
It impacted me by having more of a open mindset. And by now thinking twice when making a decision.
It will impact me by not being blind and knowing if that relationship is for me. Also to wait until marriage for sex.
Made me realize a lot of things and to not do dumb things that I know will impact my life.
I’m going to think about the stuff I do and see how it affects others instead of just thinking about myself.
It impacted me in a good way, because most of the time my mind is set to negativity. So it made me feel like I should be positive about stuff and not think negative.
I can identify who I should keep in my life and people who I should avoid in the future.
Made me learn that you have chances in life so don’t waste it.
This class impacted me by seeing the people I surround myself with and where they are in my circle.
I won’t use drugs. I will think before I react.
This class made me want to wait until marriage to have sex. When that does happen I would want to make sure that both me and my partner are safe. It also made me realize what love truly is.
This class has impacted me by learning more ways for self respect and how I can protect myself from other things.
Made me think about my choices and that it’s not too late to change. Things I do affect other people.
This class impacted me because I want tot do greater good in the future. It’s important for me to do the right thing.
It makes me want to value my life more.
It has informed me about a ton of risks and problems my last relationship had. It showed me that it is okay to leave a relationship if there is nothing there.
This class has impacted me in a good way because it really opened my eyes about my surroundings and how the decisions I make will affect me in the future.
This made me realize that I need to cut off certain people and helped me notice the red flags.
It made me more aware of my life decisions. I realize that temporary pressure isn't going to make you feel better.
It made me think that I should really wait for the right one, till I have sex.
It made me think twice about being sexually active with my boyfriend because I know the relationship won't be long-term.
It made me realize that if I'm really attached to them, it might be a bad thing and an unhealthy relationship is being formed.
This class made me realize that I don't have the rush when it comes to a relationship.
This program helped me understand how my body works and how to be careful.
It had a good impact because it told me about the things I had to watch out for in the future.
Impact that this had on me was that you need to be careful of everything you send and see.
It helped me understand myself.
The truth about sex and condoms.
It taught me a lot about the future and my body.
It made me know how to stay safe in sexual and other activities.
It helped me realize how the female body works.
It taught me about good life decisions.
It had a pretty good impact on me since I would've probably not taken time out of my day to research these things and I learned very important things today and the other days of the Reality Check program.
It has taught me a lot of stuff about Consequences and Effects of doing certain things. Most of the things we were taught I never knew so I’m glad we were able to learn about these things.
It gave me a different point of view.
It gave me a better understanding of what sex is and what it should mean.
Helped me realize things I didn’t think about before.
It taught me many things to be aware of or careful with.
It made me realize that I should be more careful with physical touch.
To have more caution with who I'm with.
I have anxiety and sometimes I get scared but not really. But you did a good job of explaining about how to stop anxiety for a little bit, and So far I am doing good!
This weeks lessons have impacted my life by giving me more information about how important we are and we can’t let someone control our life because it’s our life and we are important.
This week affected me because I learned that love really isn’t about feelings. I also learned it’s better to ignore what people think about me and focus more on my future.
This week had an impact because this talk opened my eyes and made me think more about my future.
This impacted me to keep going and don’t let anyone else tell me who I am.
This impacted me by making me think about my decisions.
This taught me things about decision making and I’m more informed about everything.
This impacted me to be smart about what I do and always have boundaries.
I learned about doing good things so that I can have a better future.
This helped me understand what could happen when you do these things and the bad things STDs do to your body.
You’ve taught everyone in the class how things are and you understand what teenagers are actually going through in their daily life.
You being here made me feel like I actually need to start thinking about my life seriously and not take everything as a joke.
The impact that it gave me is I learned things that I didn’t know. I didn’t know how bad weed was for you until now. Now I know to make better choices.
It has put me in a mindset to try not to do bad things and learn to be safe.
We have to think before we act. Think about what consequences is my decision going to lead to.
I learned new things that taught me a lot of things I never expected to learn which is good. Now that I learn a lot I wanna be able to change the way I am .
There were more things I have discovered to prevent bad things from happening.
An impact this class showed is not doing drugs because it hurts your brain.
To keep going through life.
This class has taught me a lot and some things I didn’t know I know now. I grew up/am growing up with two alcoholic parents and I don’t want that for my future. You’re right, your past doesn’t predict your future.
Really showing me the risk in life and that I have a life to look forward to and the best part is it’s my decision.
This class taught me about a lot of things I never knew about. I feel more educated, and they made learning fun/memorable.
This class has shown me that some of the feelings I have aren’t what I think they are and that sex has many risk, that I should be protective of myself.
It’s taught me that I should respect my sex.
It has taught me about safety, confidence, and if I need help to try to get it.
This class made a huge impact because not only did it help me out for later on by I was taught to be careful and that people really do care about you.
This past week the impact it had for me is not to do drugs. I used to do it in the weekend now I don’t.
This class has taught me a whole lot of things in a great way because I learned things that can absolutely help me for the best.
I leaned to care more of people’s feelings.
It did impact me because I learned many new things that I could think about throughout my life, helping me go toward the good path and having a good life.
I learn a lot from this. I feel like it can help in the future and that it is preparing me/others to take care of our bodies and ourselves.
Because of this class I feel stronger. I now have hope knowing that I can walk away from bad situations. I’m now more hopeful and prepared for the future. I now know more effective ways to keep myself safe and healthy. Thank you.
Setting boundaries has impacted me because now I know how to set boundaries and say no to my friends but still keep the friendship and not to break my boundaries.
After this class I have decided to become a healthier and stronger person.
This class has helped me to find the best choice in any decision based on my values and boundaries.
Because we have learned about the risks, it has helped in a way to say no and wait.
This class has impacted me by teaching me about choices. This new knowledge has impacted me and has helped me make the choice to never view or participate in fights.
I set a boundary to not be around people that could put me in a situation where I might be pressured into doing something that could harm me because there are people who follow me.
I learned that abstinence is way more important that I thought! This impacted me by encouraging me to save sex for marriage and to not just “give” myself away! Being in a committed relationship only lasts with actions that are pure.
I learned to wait and be patient with my life, don’t rush into anything.
This class has impacted me to set boundaries and make good decisions for my life.
Learning about all of this has let me learn more about stuff I didn’t know about and it impacted my life by shaping my choices in my future.
I’ve learned how to better myself, my relationship, my safety, and my choices. I really liked this, it’s really made me grow mentally.
Because of this week I have set new boundaries for myself. I will stay away from people that make trouble and stay away from any type of event that involves drugs/alcohol. I now know how important it is to wait. I will build a relationship that has commitment in it and wait till marriage.
I have learned that I need to set boundaries for myself and that I need to think before I act because my choices don’t only affect me it also affects other people’s life as well.