Hellstern Middle School
6th Grade Students:
It showed me to be more careful and that I have value in life. It also showed me that sex is something I should wait for and not just use it for something wrong.
It had an impact on me because it made me more aware what’s around me. I’m glad I had this because my teacher was kind and made me feel better about my choices in life.
This class has made me realize the important I have.
This class helped me see that it is ok to say no and this class also taught me many things I didn’t know.
Taught me how to say no and be more confident.
The class has taught me to set boundaries and rules in the right places. The class helped make sure that I’m ready for the real world with temptations.
I feel more confident.
This class has affected me because now I feel like I have to think about my actions because maybe I can get heart broken or something.
It made me think a bit differently and be much smarter/safer.
It taught me how to tell people now and how to protect my body.
This class has made me think about my friends and how I am as a friend.
This week has changed how I view social media and how I say and act. It also made me think about the friends I have and how they are probably not the best. Also, a lot more stuff.
It made me stop and think about my life and the decisions I’m going to make.
This class helped me realize that I can take control of my own life.
It made me think about my life choices a lot differently.
It has impacted me on how to make better choices.
This changed me by avoiding the things that are bad and to not take the risks.
This helped me be careful about friendships, life choices, sex, and future.
Think deeper about life.
This class has helped me by showing me that I do have options to do thinks that I want, and I don’t have to do everything.
Made me think more about the risks of life.
This class has impacted me by making me really think about what I take pics of.
I learned a lot about how to protect myself and that to not be scared or to hide my feelings.
Although I knew most of the things we talked about I was able to learn how sex can take an emotional affect too. I also learned that it's also best to set boundaries for friendships and such.
It taught me all about sexual activity and sexual abuse and what i can do to stop it.
I think it will help me make better decisions.
It helped me understand that I should always be on high alert just in case something bad can happen.
It helped me understand the signs of abuse.
It helped me learn some things that I needed to learn for later in life and now.
The reality check impacted me to be more safe and be more nicer to myself.
To never give up on your goals and to keep believing in yourself. Treat yourself with respect and respect your friends.
It made me kind of nervous to talk about the stuff we did talk about but it did also make me more comfortable to talk about that because now I know what that means.
This class impacted me because it has shown me how to think about my actions, how to stand up for myself, be confident, and how to say no if I don't want to do something.
This class has made me rethink some of the choices that I have made.
It made me realize that I should be safer with my boundaries and online because the stuff you put on it never really goes away.
This class impacted me by teaching me how to stay safe, stand up for myself, and create boundaries.
This class impacted me by realizing that I have to stand up, not listen to what they say, and choose my own decisions.
This class has made me realize to set boundaries and different things like thinking before speaking and acting which has helped me mature more.
Helped me realize that no app on the internet is safe
This class has made me realize that you always have a choice and your choices can affect your future.
It made me realize how much decisions impact me now and later in life.
This class has helped me realize that I make my own choices. I also realized that I can set personal goals which help me.
7th Grade Students:
I have learned that we matter more than we think.
This class has taught me to think about some things differently and how your life choices could affect your mental state. This class also taught me how to be safe, and what a good relationship looks like.
It impacted me because I would have never realized that I was in a bad relationship.
It has made me want to keep myself safer in life, mostly in relationships.
It’s made me want to save my sex until I’m married.
It impacted me to know where my boundaries stand and how to respect others and myself.
It taught me to set boundaries.
I am valuable and irreplaceable.
I know not to have sex now, even though I want to.
This class has taught me to think about things more before doing.
I will think about my life choices.
My choice of being a virgin is now cemented.
Now I know my boundaries
It impacted me to think about my future and stand up for myself and respect others and myself.