Lingle Middle School
6th Grade Students:
This changed my point of view about sex. I used to think of it as a joke, but now that I’m here I see it as a good thing and a bad thing. I would have never thought about STD’s that way if I had not known the facts.
To abstain from things that will emotionally and physically hurt me, and get away from negative people and negative peer pressure.
This Reality Check has told me the dangers and to keep your body safe by being mentally, physically, and socially healthy. It taught me how to make sure that I’m safe and not in danger around others. Also how to deal with things like depression and how you can talk to an adult.
It has impacted me by letting me know the facts to pregnancy. I have learned how to keep myself safe as I come up into these teenage years. Now I know how to deal with sexual pressure, if it ever happens to me. I learned that what I thought was a gross thing is actually a gift. I’ve learned how to keep my body healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically.
When I first came here what I didn’t realize about this class is that it would cover EVERYTHING. Thank you for teaching me this because I don’t think I would have been able to ask my parents this. What you guys do is greatly appreciated.
It has impacted me because I have set goals so I don’t do drugs, have sex, or drink alcohol as a teen.
I’ve learned more about staying away from drugs and illegal substances. This helped me realize the consequences, so now I’m more cautious.
There are a lot of risks involved I don’t want to happen. I learned I should get away from the bad influences and be friends with the people who actually care about me.
During the Reality Check I learned how to protect myself and I feel more safe. Now I know how to stand up for myself.
This program has helped me learn that abstinence is a good thing and that sex should be given to one and only one person.
I now know how to make the right decisions, and choose abstinence. I also learned that talking to people can help me cope with my problems and struggles.
This reality check has helped me to keep my body safe and to keep my emotional wellness safe and to also stay away from peer pressure.
I learned to open up to my parents more.
I've learned many good things in this class and it is very fun. I've learned not to do sex or drugs or alcohol, or smoking. I've learned to respect my self concept. I've learned to say NO! When I need to. Thank you for teaching.
Thank you so much! Reality Check has taught me to be more careful with my body and to wait until marriage and how to choose my friends and how to say no. So thank you so much for helping me learn more than I knew.
This program has made me realize that being abstinence will be the best choice to make for me. I feel like I also learned that I have some fake friends that aren't good for me or my choices.
This program affected me by teaching me all of the different consequences that can happen through teenage sexual activity.
I've learned to always say no. Also to stay away from unhealthy friendships.
This has made me see things differently. I've seen movies that are about these things but learning about these things helped a lot. I've learned about how to make the right choice, about healthy and unhealthy relationships so this helps out a lot.
The reality check program has made me realize the reason why I would choose that for myself. This program had made me know Before this program I knew 0 things about health, but now I could teach someone that is new to this.
I've learned about making choices, risks and consequences of teen sex STD's healthy and unhealthy relationships and abstinence. I have a new view about sex and what love really is. I now see why all this is so important.
Reality check impacted me because it taught me that doing these things like sex can have big consequences. It also impacted me because it helped me build on friendships.
I learned to be careful when I get older/at the moment. I started a goal setting and I made my goal! I also learned to protect myself and values. I learned to protect myself and values. I learned about mental and emotional health. I learned how to control it and how to sort of get over it. Thank you.
Thank you for telling me how I can be safe as a teenager.
I learned a lot of things from this program and I am glad that I know all of these things to create a better future for myself and my peers.
I learned that you can make your own choices for sex and always have the light to say no and move some where else.
Reality Check has impacted me by helping me understand the risks that you take with your health that can led to death. It has also impacted me by helping me and my parent talk about it.
6th Grade Students:
Thank you for this program and influencing me on respecting myself and being more careful with people.
I learned that being abstinence is a big deal it's something really important. So now I'm more aware of the high risk and how I can walk away from having to go through teen pregnancy.
The reality check made a big impact on me. I didn't know some of adults I spend a lot of time with go through these emotional and physical problems.
The reality check tough me how to keep my boundaries and abstinence. Also tought me the risks of having sex now I know that having that can effect me.
It made me more comfortable asking these questions to my parents.
This program impacted me personally without learning these things I probably wouldn't stay clean and pure, not knowing these facts. Thank you for giving us the ability to know the facts and consequences.
I have learned that there is many consequences when you hang out in the wrong companies. It taught me that you have to know what a healthy relationships and what are unhealthy relationships. It is important to hang around the correct companies.
In this program I learned a lot and all the risks. Reality check helped me understand and now I am more aware about life. I'm not scared about std, but I still want to be abstinence. I liked the program. It was very clear and easy to understand and think about it.
I learned how to set goals and find good friends. I learned that a crush is not love. I also learned to be abstinence.
This Impacted me by showing me the good and healthy things for your body and how to say no and not having sex when being a teen which can cause some consequences like stds, pregnancy, and being emotional.
What I have learned from reality check is that it is ok to say no to sex. don't let people peer pressure you and I learned a lot about std's. I am very thankful I learned this information or I probably wouldn't have known this information later on.
I have learned a lot from this program such as that my self-worth, self-esteem, and self-concept are very important and should be valued. I learned to choose good choices about sex, drugs, alcohol, and bad examples as they can truly impact my life and my health. The most important is that when I face negative choices and ridicule that I should remember my values, family, and friends and how my choices affect them.
It has helped me by letting me know I can say no and that I have my own choice about how I want to live my life.
This class has impacted me by teaching me that sex does not have to be a bad thing. I used to not want to get married and have kids but I think I do now. I will protect my abstinence with everything I have and save it for that special person in my life. I am going to try to help other kids protect their abstinence. Thank you so much!
I learned how to keep myself safe from situations that I shouldn’t be in. I learned what can happen if you choose the wrong choice. I also learned to take care of your body.
I feel safer and more determined now that I know everything about the dangers of sex. I also hope that I can spread this information to fellow men to have more common sense. Also I will speak to women on how to stand up.
This helped me become abstinent. I know that sex can lead to pregnancy and STD’s and I will not have sex. I will value my life and not peer pressure anyone else either.
This program impacted me that everyone has values, let me know that I have value. It is easy to be tricked, but I learned how to respect myself. Everyone can have courage, but you’re the one that has to step to the problem.
I learned a better way to stand up for myself. Learned to make good decisions. I was encouraged to choose good & positive ways to have a good healthy life. This taught me many things that I did not know about & it was really helpful. Looking at other people’s experiences helped me very much to visualize and imagine how it’s like when people make bad decisions.
This program had a big impact on me because it showed me that waiting is good. It helped me realize I was going down the wrong path and it helped me get back on track. It taught me the dangers and risks of doing things at a young age and it taught me many life lessons that will help me now and in my future. It also showed me the dangers but also helped me understand some things are good, but at the right time and place.
I learned that love and crushes are completely different and I also learned sex can create a wonderful life and it isn’t a nasty thing it is beautiful and I learned to say no to drugs and others. So I want to say thank you for telling our coach, Coach Frezzen this important things. Thank you so much.
This program really helped me. I would never do drugs or have sex as a teen, but it is nice to know the facts. The homework was really informational to my parents, or so they say.
This program impacted me by helping me learn more than I knew and helps me make correct decisions in my future and my health.
Reality Check impacted my life by helping me control my anger.
I have learned a lot from this program it is an epic program I have truly learned quite a bit. Thank you.
The impact of the program taught me about safety of many different things. The program is very important to my safety.
This program has helped me because now that I know the consequences of having sex, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs so now I definitely don’t want to do those things until the right time or not do them at all!
It influenced me by knowing no to do bad things in life and think about the consequences before doing something.
This helped me make a decision on how I want my life to go. My decision was to not have sex until marriage, because you can get std’s and other that you have to live with. I don’t want that to happen. I want to live a life with no regrets.
I learned about staying healthy and hanging out with people who influence me to do good and not bad.
The reality book helped me learn more things about health. Thank you for writing this book, so it can help us learn more things about health. I learned how to care for myself. Thank you.
I know more information about things I never knew were something in this world such as STD’s and being abstinent until marriage.
Health class has made me realize to start being good and think about my health, self respect, and character. I will leave this class and care more about my health and character.
This program, Reality Check, allowed me to learn about mandatory subjects in a more adultish manner.
When we started this it was a weird conversation with my mom but now I feel more open to my mom.
This impacted my life because it helped me stay healthy and to reach my goals it also helped me to not do anything dumb that could hurt me.
6th Grade Students:
It made me think about who I want to be and what I want for my life.
The thing that impacted me the most is drinking. I see drinkers in my life…before you came I have been thinking a lot about drinking but now, I do not have to think about it because I am not going to do it! Thanks for coming!
You taught me about friendship and relationships and how to say “no”! You also taught me that I am very important and if someone tells me I’m not they are WRONG! Thank you Mr. Prine.
It helped me make a good decision for myself and to set boundaries.
One impact that this class had on me was setting boundaries.
This class has had a lot of impact on me and one really important one is the relationship one. I really appreciated it. Thank you Mr. Prine.
I did not know that condoms did not work all the time. And thank you for giving me so much and for making me more aware about my decisions. Thank you.
I like how you told us how to say no (the right way). I feel like it should be clear to the person we are saying no to. I’m going to try that. ☺ Thanks!!!
I will set boundaries for myself and live up to it.
6th Grade Students:
This class had a huge impact for me because I learned a lot and thanks to you I now know how to deal with difficult situations. I know how to set good boundaries and have great character. I enjoyed your class so thank you very much.
I really enjoyed this program. I have set my own boundaries now that I have taken this class. I thank you for coming to our class. You have taught me more about myself and what to do for my future.
I liked how you talked about not having sex until marriage and set boundaries. It really taught me to think about my actions and use the yes-no-yes strategy.
This class has made me think. You compared everyday things to things that I don’t think about often, and I enjoyed that. Now I know what to do if I get in trouble, and how to stay out of it. Thank you for taking time to teach us about everything that you did!
Made me think more about how life works. Help me for the future. Made me feel prepared.
It helped out by knowing to set boundaries and help me set a goal and made me think before I do something. Thank you so much.
It helped me to value all the things I have in my family. It helped me to walk away from friends who don’t respect my values.
It helped me a lot by making good choices in school and study more. It made me say no to any bad choices that my friend told me to do. Now I know that a lot of bad things can affect you and your family!
I learned that it takes courage to know what’s wrong and decide to do right than to do what’s wrong knowing its not right.
This helped me learn more about what the right thing to do it, and helped me love myself.
It helped me realize I really need to set boundaries. And choose who I hang out with and choose what is good and what is right.
Yes, because it helped me set healthy goals and boundaries. If I make a boundary I do not want to go above and beyond.
It made me realize what kind of person I want to be and that there is lots of things to learn in life.
This has made me stronger. I am not ashamed of being short or being called Brittney Spears. I now know who I am and I love me. LOVE yourself.
This Reality Check program impacted me. Taught me to think more about my decisions. To be smart about my choices. It taught me abstinence and the facts so I can protect myself. He taught us to think then act and the results are like a coin. 50-50. The Reality Check program turned my life around.
It made me realize that your future is up and you will never accomplish it if you just focus on the downs in life.
It has had a good impact on me. It taught me a lot things I didn’t know about. I think every kid needs to know about sex and the risks of sex to stay safe and have a good and successful future.
An impact that the Reality Check has done on me is thinking things I would have never thought of. Reality Check has also helped me talk with my family about life. It has helped me talk to my parents about my goals.
I liked this class. I think that the class helped me understand and think more about myself and boundaries. This class also helped me choose the right thing to do.
Before I started this program I kind of went through daily life with an I don’t care attitude. But this program has kind of opened my eyes to what can happen in my behaviors.
I now know to keep my eyes on the future and to stay with abstinence.
It impacted me by giving me more reasons to choose abstinence and teaching me to focus on my future instead of health risk behaviors.
Reality Check has impacted me because at first, I only knew a few risk and consequences about different things and now I feel confident in saying no and I know all the risk/facts.
This whole experience that all of it I have made a connection with my family because this program has let me express my feelings and I thank you so much.
Reality Check has impacted my opinion on setting boundaries in a positive way. Reality Check has also influenced my opinion on my parent. I know I will always respect her boundaries for me.
I learned that if I know that if I do something then bad things happen, that means I should stay away from doing it.
I have learned about even more than just pregnancy as a consequence of sex. I have been impacted with all the ways I can say no. I know now the facts and I know that this class will definitely help me in the future.
I can protect myself better than before I came to this class. I did not know the facts about sex or condoms or the STDs I can get if I’m not careful with what I do or say. Say no in a firm voice. It will help you!
I learned about what not to do or what to do about being safe and protected. And I also learned about my boundaries and what to do if I am put under any negative pressure.
That I need to keep my body healthy and think before you do something before something bad happens.
This course has made me think about consequences and has taught me about all the risks and possibilities. This course has taught me to wait until marriage to do certain things and have abstinence.
7th Grade Students:
I learned that I am special, valuable, important person.
This class has made a huge impact on me because it has made me realize that in life there are boundaries, changes, and maybe good results in life. So now I know that I need to have all these things in my life to have a good future. And I also had an impact on knowing that I am a very valuable person no matter how I am or what I am.
I learned how to treat myself respectfully.
These past 5 days made me realize how important my life was and how important my body is, and that I’m important as an individual. It also made realize that my sex is important.
I have learned to set boundaries and to just stay away from anything that will make me back away from my goals.
The main thing that impacted me was finding out what I wanted for my life and what I could do to reach those goals.
This has been a good week. I learned so much. This impacted me by helping realize I’m valuable and I have a purpose in this world. A lot of the time people see me as someone who is perfect and the best… but I’m not. I am a regular person who struggles when people say these things. This will help me set boundaries to stand up for myself in a positive but effective way.
To make my choices and to speak up. I need to focus on my core values.
It helped me realize that I have a lot more value than I thought I had and helped me realize that our choices have a lot of effect on our life.
This class showed me how to make better decisions in my life that will ultimately get me closer to my personal goal.
This has affected me in several ways. I know now what choices I should and should not make and how to keep my life running good without making those choices that could ruin it all. I loved these last five days and I loved my experience I have had!
Throughout this whole week, this has made me realize that I’m meant to live and not feel worthless. This has made me realize how important my choices are.
The choices that I make can have a positive impact or negative and I should learn to have more self-respect and value those around me.
Reality Check impacted me in a few different ways… studying hard and doing very well in high school have been renewed.
What impacted me the most was the “you are all valuable.” I think it’s important for everyone to be loved and feel worthy so that saying just kinda made me more confident.
To stand up for myself even when I’m being pushed towards something I shouldn’t do by someone I care for.
A few things have impacted me in different ways. I feel like I am more knowledgeable in my behavior and how to set boundaries. I think I learned a lot about STD’s and my body.
I have learned that if I don’t or don’t want to hang around someone, I just need to tell them. You have taught me that my value matters and my thoughts matter!
I have actually decided to focus on my goals more and that I need to learn how to make right choices in situations, either good or bad.
This has made me make the correct choice in life, and go to the right path. It has influences me to speak up and not be afraid.
You helped me understand how important it is to set boundaries. I will do it now.
I learned that my body and sex is important. That I should keep it safe, or else there could be consequences.
I’m going to be honest, I have learned that I have a choice and that I shouldn’t feel bad for making those choices. Another thing is that I have more self-worth than I give myself credit for, and that I should respect myself more.
I learned that sex can affect your future (early sex). It can also affect your health life. I’m going to think more about my decisions in life, so I don’t do the wrong things.
This class impacted me in a good way. I’ve chosen to wait to have sexual activity, and to set boundaries for myself.
I have learned a lot these past five days that have changed my point of view. I will follow my goal until it does happen.
I’ve been affected in a lot of ways, but one big way was I now know people can’t make choices for me anymore. I’m growing up and I have to make my own choices.
Reality Check has taught me that I control myself. That no one can choose who I should be, not the world, the government, or my family was the power to change that.
This class has helped me make better life decisions. I think it made me realize what I need to be thinking towards my future. I’m really glad that this has happened.
This past two weeks, I have learned how to be safe with my body. To know what to do in certain times and places. I now know what happens to my body if I don’t care what I do with it.
I realized that I need to hang out with people who won’t get me into bad situations/locations.
I know not to have sex when I am not ready. That I need to set boundaries for myself. And to say no to people when they ask me to have sex.
This class made me realize how to deal with many sex related problems. And also to stop and think about sex, pressure, and to keep my boundaries to where I feel safe.
This class impacted me because I had many questions, but they got answered. At first I wasn’t sure of the consequences that comes towards being sexually active, but now I know it is best to wait. This was an amazing class, and the teachers who taught us to make better decisions.
Reality Check helped me realize that I need to become a better person and that I also need to make better choices.
It has impacted me by showing me how to stay safe and how I can make good choices in the future by setting up limitations for future relationships.
I learned that my choices can determine my actions and to set goals and be by people who will help me achieve them.
It has helped me learn how to become a more responsible person.
It has taught me that the decisions I make could impact my WHOLE life and that just because others do it doesn’t mean I have to.
8th Grade Students:
This class has impacted me by showing me I am valuable. I am important to the world. I am needed in life for others around me.
It has helped me realize the impact that some things have. Before this class yes I was sexually active but you guys made me realize that I need to get a life together to have a future. I learned the consequences of things like that. And I’m just happy that I realized that. Thank you.
It made me want to do my best in school and stay focused on what really matters. It made me want to stay away from the bad decisions and not just follow the crowd. Now I know that it’s okay to make good choices even if people will make fun of me.
Made me feel motivated and more self-confident.
Thank you for coming, during these past two weeks I realize that people do realize/recognized my integrity. This class has motivated me to continue waiting until marriage. Thank you for impacting my life in the best way possible.
It made me understand there are consequences for my actions. It helped me think about the type of person I want to be and the type of person I am. It helped me realize what I wanted to do with my life and what I don’t want to with it. It helped me decide my career.
This class has made me think about my future life and how such a little decisions can make a great impact. It has changed the way that I see people and opened my eyes to how great I CAN be.
This has affected the kind of person I want to grow up and be. I was on the right path but this helped make my decisions clear.
It has taught me how to be a better person, to respect others and that they have a right to agree or disagree.
It made me think about choices I’ve made in the past. I’ve learned some bad things that can happen if I go on the wrong path. It helped me understand that I got to do what’s best for me not anyone else. I got to see who are my real friends and who really wants me to be successful.
I thought this class helped me learn to have integrity and it helped me know how to get out of tough situations and to be honest.
I’m going to focus on my future and I’m going to try to have a better attitude toward my parents. I’m also going to try to get my grades up.
Told me about sexual activities and life choices that I really needed to know and this impacted me because I could have messed up and you guys corrected me, so thank you.
It made learning health things more fun and applicable.
It has given me a better idea of what good grades can do for a person and how important education is. It has inspired me to focus on my school work.
It made me feel better and stronger. Now I won’t care what people say about me.
It has given me a new perspective on life. I used to be unconfident about my future but ever since you guys got here you have given me so much confidence. I really enjoyed having you here. Thank you for coming.
It has made me realize some choices I’ve made that weren’t good for my life. I now know what I need to do to make my life better than how it is.
All I want to say is thank you not only help being happy again. But also understanding of getting ready to face things in my way and I’m glad I got to meet you and if I ever see you again I would love another lesson from you again.
This class helped me more to be myself and don’t be like the others just cause I want to fit in. And this has impacted me by really giving me a chance on what I wanted to do with my life and what I needed to do as a student.