Oakdale Middle School
This class/session helped me to understand self-respect, but mostly with setting boundaries. I mostly took in the self-respect just because I have been working towards that for about 2-3 years now. I constantly ask how to set boundaries and nobody would teach me how until now, so thank you. This will help me for the better.
I commit to being a stronger, healthier person because my future matters. I will exercise self-control in all areas of my life, physically, emotionally, sexual, educational, and social. I have learned that I can be just as strong as I am now without peer pressure of any kind whether it involves drugs alcohol or sex. Thank you.
To make boundaries. Its my life and I control it.
I learned that I am unique, no one is like me.
I have been here for one week and the risks that some people take I will not take any risks because Reality Check made me understand what would happen if I took the risk.
In this class I have learned that having sex or doing drugs will not help you finish your education or reach your goals. What you can do to reach your goals is set boundaries and say no to drugs and not have sex until youre married.
I have learned that it is one of the most important things in my life to stay abstinent until I get married.
I am going to become a better person and try harder in school.
To say no to drugs and alcohol.
This class has made me knowledgeable over choices that I will have to make in the future.
To set boundaries.
This class taught me that no matter how bad I feel-parents, friends, and teachers are always there for me.
The whole program made a whole impact on me. I knew having sex at a young age has serious consequences but I never knew it would be that serious.
I learned so much and I will advocate younger people to not have sex until marriage.
I realized that someone who really loves me will respect my values and boundaries. He will wait for me to be ready to do something big no matter what it is.
I now know the diseases that sex can cause. I will now not ever have sex until I'm married. Its not about how you look and if someone wants to have sex with you before marriage then they dont love you. Make one wrong choice could change your whole life.
I will take the knowledge of knowing a serious or crush relationship and use it. I will use the knowledge of saying NO! because it is my body I will not have sex until I'm married to my spouse.
How to say no to drugs and alcohol. Figuring out friendships and relationships and avoiding unhealthy relationships.
This class had a very big impact. I know now the dangers of having teen sex. I know that I want to stay abstinent. I will be a good friend and I will always say NO when I dont want it. Thank you so much for being able to teach me this. I will use the knowledge to help me through tough decisions.
This class has helped remind me and help teach me why my actions are important. Going through having an abusive friendship and getting away from that. It also taught me that certain things were not my fault like getting sexually assaulted. I used to blame myself, and now I know that I shouldn’t. Thank you for teaching and reminding me of what is most important.
Something that I learned from this class is self respect and boundaries. I didn’t know how or what it meant. I understand now and I’ve been doing much better. A few days ago, I got into really big trouble because of some messages w/ a “boy” (it was really a girl) it was all a joke but I realize now that things like that can be taken out of context.
I found the STD’s portion and being sexually active portion of this class has helped me. I haven’t always made the best decisions with sex and now I am on birth control…This class helped me make smarter decisions with sex now. Thank you!
Reality Check, Inc. gave me a true reality check as it taught me self-respect and how to go about life in a healthy manner. I learned how to not cross the line and how to enjoy life in a better way. I loved Reality Check, Inc. and I thank you for what you have done.
This class has helped me to develop a better understanding of who I am as a person. I’ve had a problem with the whole love/infatuation topic, and I didn’t have boundaries for some thing like that. The class reminded me of that and has helped me to better set boundaries for myself to avoid bad situations.
I have been impacted the way I think about maturity and immaturity. Maturity isn’t exactly what I thought it was. It’s more than a mental state but shown in not only action, but attitude. To be mature is more than being smart or old. It’s doing the best for yourself and others.
I have learned many things the past few days. I have a great relationship with my mother. I tell her everything this not only helped me but it taught my mother things that she didn’t know could happen to me and her. Thank you for everything.
This program has reminded me about being mature, and making the right choices, putting myself in the right situations, picking the right friends, and always trying to better myself. I wish I would have taken this program a year ago because then I could have changed my life style and choices before I was arrested and disappointed my family and friends.
While I may just be the TA and I worked on other things, I payed attention. I think what you are doing in our school and others makes an impact. These kids will look back and remember this class I think I am a healthy person, but my friendships are unhealthy. This class has opened my eyes to show me that I’ll watch my friendships closer.
Make me change my ways made me know and show self -confidence. Drugs/Alcohol isn’t the answer.
This class taught me how to have a healthy relationship and set up boundaries. Beforehand, I really didn’t know what to do. Thank you for coming and teaching the class. It made me realize how bad one of my past relationships was.
This class reminded me to stay mature and respect myself. I haven’t respected myself very much and the past haunts me, but I now remember what it is to truly respect myself as a person. So thank you for that.
I realize that I am worth something. Despite having a past of abuse, sexual violation, trauma, and making unhealthy choices for myself, I realize I am worth more than others have told me I am worth. Even when my PTSD and generating anxiety and depression disorder I know I can get better and improve.
In Reality Check, Inc., In all my honesty, I thought it was pretty dumb and I thought I knew it all, but as time passed, the discussions we had kinda hit me because after all, it is reality and it’s all what we make it. I’ll really take the advice because it meant something for someone to care that everyone needed this. Thank you.
During this week I learned to value myself and think before I act and don’t listen to what others say about me. I was in a relationship w/ this guy and after we broke up he called me real bad names. Unfortunately, it hit me hard and I fell into depression. Before you came, I still looked at myself like what he said to me. THANK YOU FOR OPENING MY EYES UP!
I learned a lot about self-respect and how to mature on my journey to my goals. I learned how to set boundaries and keep my self in line. Thank you for giving us this talk and helping others keep doing what you do. I believe this is a great help.
This class put the last year that I have gone through into perspective for me. The past year for me was rather hard. I was in an emotionally destructive relationship for two years and I lost everything. This class made me realize that I have been on a long and hard journey in finding myself. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to us.
From this class I learned what a true relationship is and means. I’ve learned that time is everything and you really need to plan and think of the consequences that can happen if you make a mistake. Thank you for teaching us about the many important things in life.
Reality Check, Inc. has taught me a lot more about STD’s and other dangers than I had previously known. It has given me a clear picture of the reality of the world I live in and how to handle it.
In this class I have learned about boundaries with people I have friends that I’ve never met. They live in different states, different countries even. I believe that they are my friends b/c we talk and are semi-close. But this class has taught me that they aren’t really my friends… They are just people I talk to that I probably shouldn’t b/c I don’t know them.. I think that I should break it off… It isn’t, probably healthy.
This taught me so much. My sister is 13 and she sent pictures to someone she didn’t know. I think this would help her.
The impact this class has had on me is something major. I’ve learned how bad sending 1 inappropriate picture could be. I also learned personal value and what I need to do to succeed at the moment. I have a lot going on and could be getting in a lot of trouble soon. At this point there is nothing I can do. But this class has helped me to understand.
I see more clearly about myself and of those around me. I learned I’m addicted to social media.