Pea Ridge Middle School
Eighth Grade Students:
Reality Check has changed my perspective on my own self respect and I was lingering to the line of being sexually active, but after this week and getting some knolage about how I need to make my future matter I’ve found another path to take and have decided I can wait until I’m really mature enough.
Reality Check helped me realize that I have worth and I need to cherish that.
It’s been an eye opener on my depression and lonlyness and that someone cares.
Before this class I didn’t realize how important some things in life were to us, now I know what is good and what is bad.
Before this class I had haved the opportunity to have sex with people and I thought about it but now having this class I know that I need to say no. And my choice means everything.
This class has shown me many things but most of all was self respect. And that impacted me because I didn’t have much hope in getting my dream job.
This class has helped me to be more social with my classmates and to enjoy myself and realize that I do have integrity.
It made me think more about how I live my life. It made me want to change and be a better person.
This class has impacted me by teaching me that it doesn’t matter who you are, you can make it in life if you try. Also, it doesn’t matter what you’ve been through either.
This class has showed me its ok to be different. That people can put you down but you can show them there wrong. You don’t have to follow the crowd to be your own person, achieve your dreams.
It has taught me that I have worth and I can do great things. I set my mind to it. And that it will get hard in life and there will be obsticles I just have to find my way.
It showed me how to live with integrity and to not let anyone destroy my picture of my future. I learned to set my goals and not let anyone get in the way.
This class has impacted me this week by letting me know that I’m worth it and that my ideas and choices matter. This class has also taught me about obsticals in life wether that be sexual, emotional or physical obsticals. So thank you for letting me know I matter!
I have learnd that I can be who I want to be. People shouldn’t tell me who I am. I don’t need to care what others say because if they like me, they like me. I need to live with integrity throughout my life. I need more self-respect.
I realized my choices are my choices and I need to take responsibility for it.
This class has helped me with my decision of friends. I now don’t have them as friends cause I realize that they were pressuring me to do the wrong thing.
This class has showed me many things about myself, and the people around me. I would never have thought that people see me living with integrity. This class was a lot of fun and I hope to have it again someday.
I learned I need more boundaries envolving my mind and my body. It also got me thinking that needed to think/work on my future.
This week has made an impact on my life, I will no longer let other people control me.
This class has impacted me by I want to be known for integraty and I am going to push for my future. No matter what.
I learned that every choice you make counts and that if I make a bad choice then it could really effect my future. Its also good if I save my sex for marriage.
This week learning about integrity, self-respect and control has helped me out a lot. I am an athlete so I need to have all of these to be a better athlete and person.
It has impacted me by learning more about the possible things that can happen if I make bad decisions and that my future is more important than I thought.
Seventh Grade Students:
This class has impacted me by making me realize that I am important. I have a right to stand up for myself and make the right and most positive choices. Not all of the pressure that we face in the world will make us happy; I have realized that there are more important things in life than doing what is “cool.”
This class has helped me learn more about the stuff that is in our everyday lives. It has also helped me communicate with my parents about it.
This class influences me to stay absentient and to never go over my boundries that I have set. It has also shown me how to set boundries.
This class taught me that I have the freedom to do what I want and not what other people want me to do.
This class influences me on my decision making. Now I am going to think about consiquinces and think what could happen.
This class has helped understand how to handle different situations. I now know that I am able to stand up for what my boundaries are. I need to walk away from the bad people and things and walk toward the good.
That sex isn’t what the media makes it out to be.
It influenced me by showing people there is a better way to everything to make better decisions.
That staying pure in life can make a difference in you and saying no can change everything.
This class helped me to put limits to what I do sexually or mentally.
This week with Reality Check was very helpful. I never really thought about safe sex. And that my sex is mine. Now I will really be thinking. Thank you!
I learned that when I said no to sex it was the right thing to do because its better to save it for marriage.
I have learned to set boundaries for myself. I already knew that I should, but I haven’t. I made the desions not to have sex before marriage. Thank you for teaching us this life changing stuff.
It made me relize that I used to not care so much for myself but now I do care a lot more about me and my body. My mom even realized I acted different.
This class has helped me. I really needed to know that yes no yes because lately I ran into bad people and thought they were friends. I like this class it might be uncofterble at times but oh well. This class has helped me a lot.
This class has impacted me and my life by teaching me the meaning of life and how important the decisions I make today are and how they effect my future.
This class has shown me many life lessons that are very important in the adult world. I know I will make sure to be assertive, courages, smart, and careful of all the actions I do. I will not let anyone pressure me to things I don’t want to do. This class has helped.
This class has impacted me a lot, by teaching me stuff that will help me now and in the near future for many reasons so that I may not want to get into bad situations with certain people. Thank you!
This class impacted me by teaching me about different diseases and the right way to walk in life. I have learned what to do in my future now.
Showed me how to kinda talk to people and how to just live my teenage life without doing something stupid.
This class has impacted me by not doing things that my older brother and sister did when they were my age. My older brother and sister were having sex at age 14 and being in Reality Check I think I will be more careful.
Sixth Grade Students:
It has taught me that I can say no to anything. This has made me feel confident that I am going to make good choices!
It has gave me hope of what I need to do whith my future!
What I have learned is say not too things and stand up to people if there not doing the right.
It gave me time to think about what I should do when I get older.
You don’t have to be friends with a bad influence just because your friend is friends with him/her.
It has helped me for making the right choice and to wait till after marriage to have sexual activity.
I’m going to set knew goals for my future.
I learned how to protect whats important to me.
I’m going to stand up for what I think is right and stand up for other people.
I learned that what you do now impacts your future.
This class has made me feel better about sexual activity and how to feel safe. I also learned how to make better choices.
It impacted me with the storys. And my mom was a teen mom but I don’t want to be a teen mom.
I want to make better desions on where I go, what I do. This class told me to make my own choce because its my life.
I learned that I can say “no!” to anything that I feel is wrong. I learned how to decide whether something is right or wrong. I learned what my core values and boundries are.
This class has impacted me because now I know how my decisions can be.
I’m going to set a line. I have a lot to say and I want to thank you because what I learned from you is that I can do anything… I have a life to live so live it safe. You really changed my way of life.
I have learned that it is my life and I have the right to say no!! And it is my body and I make the choices.
I learned how to make better disisions. I now know the dangers of “safe sex.” I know how to act when under peer pressure.
I loved learning about the thing that could hurt me. I am going to use a lot of your advice to succeed in my life.
It has chanced my mind about a lot of things I would not of thout twice about.
To wait till I’m older and married to have sex, so I don’t risk getting pregnant at a young age. This class has taught me resonsibility about sexual activity and to be responsible and set my boundaries.
I learned important things that will help me later in life. And I will take all of the knologe and use it to stick up for myself.