Worth. It’s something that we all have. However, unrealized by the individual, that value is lost to our society. Reality Check is helping teens realize their value through a summer mentoring program called W.O.R.T.H. This five-week program is for high school students selected through a formal application and interview process. They will learn how to prepare themselves for jobs and careers – for their future – through classroom education and practical application. This is a community project that will give students the chance to be mentored by a host of community and business professionals. Students will increase their job readiness through service projects and job simulations.

Students did a personal interest assessment that helped them identify some job/careers that might be of interest to them.

GRAND FINALE! The students each received a check (up to $500) as a result of points earned throughout the program.

This program has inspired me to be anything I want to be and has taught me how to achieve these! I wasn't really sure what to expect coming into the program but it was more than I ever could imagine. I can't express how amazing you all have been to me and how much I have learned about how valuable I am and how my passion is always persuable. Your kindness can't be put into words, but I will say that everything you've done for me will be always remembered and I will be forever grateful. I've learned how important it is to know myself and my limits to make the best of every situation. Thank you for all the opportunities you've gieven me and the countless knowledge I will take with me forever!

This program was well WORTH my time :) Actually, it really was! I learned so many new things! Even though I know some of the more basic aspects to this program, there is so much more to know. To know that there is always something to prepare for, look forward to, or do better at is a life lesson I won't forget. I thought you guys kept everything very interesting and also fun to participat in! I thought it was a great balance of learning and fun! I think it will really help me to be more confident in the workforce and interviews. Loved all of it!

I really want to say thank you for everything. Thank you for letting me be a part of the team. This program helped me so much not just because I met so many people in different fields, but I gained so many skills. Now that I'm a grown adult I think more about my future... I appreciate everything, I mean everything you guys did for all of us that participated in the group. I know we can imporve the program by telling more young adults about it. It's a wonderful program.

The WORTH program. I don't know where to start. I learned a lot. How to dress, show up to an interview, meet and greet people. Every single person that we had come speak to us taught me a lot. I thank you Reality Check Inc for making this an awesome experience.